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Upgrade Service from Client Area Home


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hi there, in an effort to increase conversion, i would like to place a link to upgrade ones service on the Client Area Home page right after they login.


At the moment a user would have to click on the Services menu, and then click the edit service button, and then scroll all the way down to the bottom of the screen, and click Upgrade/Downgrade.


Most of my clients can't find this link even if they are looking for it.


Any suggestions? I want to make it as easy as possible for people to upgrade their plan.



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on top of this, how do you the active products to list in a table directly on the Client Area Home page. I have tried the following code, but it displays no records in the table. whereas if i click on services, i can see the same table but with records. i just took this code from the services page...


<table class="data" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0">
   <th><a href="clientarea.php?action=products{if $q}&q={$q}{/if}&orderby=product">{$LANG.orderproduct}</a>{if $orderby eq "product"} <img src="images/{$sort}.gif" alt="" border="0" />{/if}</th>
   <th><a href="clientarea.php?action=products{if $q}&q={$q}{/if}&orderby=price">{$LANG.orderprice}</a>{if $orderby eq "price"} <img src="images/{$sort}.gif" alt="" border="0" />{/if}</th>
   <th><a href="clientarea.php?action=products{if $q}&q={$q}{/if}&orderby=billingcycle">{$LANG.orderbillingcycle}</a>{if $orderby eq "billingcycle"} <img src="images/{$sort}.gif" alt="" border="0" />{/if}</th>
   <th><a href="clientarea.php?action=products{if $q}&q={$q}{/if}&orderby=nextduedate">{$LANG.clientareahostingnextduedate}</a>{if $orderby eq "nextduedate"} <img src="images/{$sort}.gif" alt="" border="0" />{/if}</th>
   <th width="20"> </th>
 {foreach key=num item=service from=$services}
 <tr class="clientareatable{$service.class}">
   <td>{$service.group} - {$service.product}{if $service.domain}<br />
   <a href="http://{$service.domain}" target="_blank">{$service.domain}</a>{/if}</td>
   <td><form method="post" action="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}?action=productdetails">
       <input type="hidden" name="id" value="{$service.id}" />
       <input type="image" src="images/viewdetails.gif" alt="{$LANG.clientareaviewdetails}" />
   <td colspan="6">{$LANG.norecordsfound}</td>

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any pointers on how to achieve this?

Define *exactly* what you're looking to achieve and contact someone who knows the DB structures inside-out.


The obvious question is what do you think putting "upgrade" on the front page will do - i.e. why do you think people will want to upgrade, what will they need to upgrade for, what are you going to allow them to upgrade to ?


etc :D

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i dont sell hosting with my whmcs so having an upgrade link on my installation is very relevant.


99% of my users start as free trial users, many of which find it difficult to find the link to upgrade their service once they decide to go ahead. having a link to upgrade on the client area home page directly after they login will massively help to increase this conversion rate.


any given client only has 1 product in setup. so i need a direct link for them to be able to upgrade/downgrade/change service plan directly from the client area homepage. Or better yet, in the menu bar!


If anyone has done something like this I would really appreciate if they could share the code, as I'm not a developer myself, so couldn't write it from scratch, but could probably get it working.



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99% of my users start as free trial users, many of which find it difficult to find the link to upgrade their service once they decide to go ahead. having a link to upgrade on the client area home page directly after they login will massively help to increase this conversion rate.


any given client only has 1 product in setup

See, now you're being *specific* hence why it's called a specificaton ;)


So yes, merging the usual "my products" page into the homepage would make sense.

As to the free trial upgrade - there are other considerations - how many options are there to upgrade to ? do you allow downgrades ? if your email about "free trial expiring" including a direct link to get he paid version etc ...

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