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Stopped charging cc automatically


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Suddenly, seeming out of the blue, my system stopped processing payments set to charge automatically to my client credit cards. Up until early this month, all clients set to have their credit card charge automatically each month or quarter, etc. did so. Then I started getting emails back from clients after they received second notices, wondering why. I looked at my WHMCS and saw that indeed all invoices in February were not processed. I made no changes to the system.


Does this ring a bell with anyone?


I just updated from 5.0.2 to 5.0.3 to see if that will fix it, but wanted to just check and see if there is some bug that I am missing?

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I went to Utilities > Logs > Activity Logs and looked through those logs. What stands out is there are gaps of days here and there where there is no activity. Feb 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11.


And on one day at least, the 15th, there are missing logs - specifically those that start with Cron Job.


The first and 15th are when all of the invoices that were missed were supposed to be sent.


The other thing that stands out is that there are about half a dozen days that state:


Admin Email Notification Sending Failed - Could not instantiate mail function. (Subject: WHMCS Cron Job Activity)


There may be other pieces missing, but I don't know what I am looking for.


Thanks for your suggestion and do you have any more? Thanks again.

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Try running the system cron from a command like and see what the output is.


Check your system cron logs (not the WHMCS logs) to see if there's any clues there too.


The 'Could not instantiate mail function' looks like it's either a corrupt/damaged install, PHP has been changed (recompiled options maybe) or maybe files missing.

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