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Network Issue only for clients with active order


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i've edited a little my networkissues page with that template:



<div class="contentbox"> <a href="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}?view=open" class="networkissuesopen">{$opencount} {$LANG.networkissuesstatusopen}</a> | <a href="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}?view=scheduled" class="networkissuesscheduled">{$scheduledcount} {$LANG.networkissuesstatusscheduled}</a> | <a href="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}?view=resolved" class="networkissuesclosed">{$resolvedcount} Chiusi</a> </div>


{foreach from=$issues item=issue}


{if $clientsstats.productsnumactive eq "0"}






{if $issue.clientaffected}<div class="networkissueaffected">{/if}

<h2>{$issue.title} ({$issue.status})</h2>

<h3>{$LANG.networkissuesaffecting} {$issue.type} - {if $issue.type eq $LANG.networkissuestypeserver}{$issue.server}{else}{$issue.affecting}{/if} | {$LANG.networkissuespriority} - {$issue.priority}</h3>

<div class="networkissuedescription">


<b>{$LANG.networkissuesdate}</b> - {$issue.startdate}{if $issue.enddate} - {$issue.enddate}{/if}<br />

<b>{$LANG.networkissueslastupdated}</b> - {$issue.lastupdate}



{if $issue.clientaffected}</div>{/if}




<p align="center"><b>{$LANG.networkissuesnonefound}</b></p>





<br />

<p align="center">{if $prevpage}<a href="networkissues.php?{if $view}view={$view}&{/if}page={$prevpage}">{/if}« {$LANG.previouspage}{if $prevpage}</a>{/if}   {if $nextpage}<a href="networkissues.php?{if $view}view={$view}&{/if}page={$nextpage}">{/if}{$LANG.nextpage} »{if $nextpage}</a>{/if}</p>


{if $loggedin}<p>{$LANG.networkissuesaffectingyourservers}</p>{/if}


So right now i've got that only clients with active order can see the network issue, but this is not completely working.


The problem is that i have the {$noissuesmsg} content printed, as many as network issues are. For example i've got an active issue so if i click on opened i got 1 {$noissuesmsg}, if i click on closed that are 6 i got 6 times the {$noissuesmsg}.


I've also got a scheduled one so if i click networkissues.php i got 2 {$noissuesmsg} printed.


I would also be able not to show the header:

<div class="contentbox"> <a href="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}?view=open" class="networkissuesopen">{$opencount} {$LANG.networkissuesstatusopen}</a> | <a href="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}?view=scheduled" class="networkissuesscheduled">{$scheduledcount} {$LANG.networkissuesstatusscheduled}</a> | <a href="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}?view=resolved" class="networkissuesclosed">{$resolvedcount} Chiusi</a> </div>



for not active clients, but if i move the code down, then i got the number of active/scheduled/closed issues at the end of every issue.



Hope this can help someone to work on that and give me some help.



Thanks in advance and happy holidays. :-)

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Actually i allready have a logged in clients options, but i would like that only people with active order to see if we have problems on our network.


Btw the best would be that only the server where the client is located should be showed if in trouble.

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I think I understand you better now


So :

client 1 has account A on server Alpha

client 2 has account B on server Alpha which is suspended

client 3 has account C on server Beta

client 4 has account D on server Beta which has expired


clients 1 can only see the status of server Alpha

client 3 can only see the status of server Beta

clients 2 and 4 does not see anything

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