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Redesigned WHMCS site looking for constructive criticism


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I dont know I think the head is a nice Identity element for the site but the storefront may perhaps be a waste of space. Also I've been looking through the WHMCS docs and have started making an SEO header. I would appreciate any input anyone has because I''m not having to much luck some of the pages display the variables some so not.


<title>{$companyname} - {$pagetitle}{if $kbcat.name} - {$kbcat.name}{/if}{if $title} - {$title}{/if}{if $kbarticle.title} - {$kbarticle.title}{/if}{if $dlarticle.title}{$dlarticle.title} - {$dlcat.name}{/if}{if $announcement.title} - {$announcement.title}{/if}{$announcement.text|truncate:200:"..."}</title>

<meta name="description" content="{$companyname}{if $dlarticle.title}{$dlarticle.title} -

{$dlcat.name} - {$dlcat.description} - {$download.title} - {$download.description} {/if}

{if $kbarticle.title}{$kbcat.name} - {$kbcat.description} - {$kbarticle.title} -

{$kbarticle.article|truncate:30} - {/if}{if $announcement.title}{$announcement.title}

- {$announcement.text|truncate:30} - {/if} - Web Hosting and Design Simplicity." />


<meta name="keywords" content="{$pagetitle}{if $title}, {$title}{/if}

{if $kbcat.name}, {$kbcat.name}{/if}{if $kbarticle.title},

{$kbarticle.titletruncate:40}{/if}{if $kbcat.description}, {$kbcat.description|truncate:30}{/if}

{if $dlarticle.title}, {$dlarticle.title}{/if}{if $dlcat.name}, {$dlcat.name|truncate:30}{/if}

{if $announcement.title}, {$announcement.title}{/if}" />

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A good habit to have is to have "important" stuff (pricing etc) "above the fold". Like in a printed newspaper. The important stories are above the center fold of the paper. Thereby hopefully catching the eye of the readers first.


In our business. Above the fold means the first screen that is seen by a visitor. You would strive to tastefully put the most important information that you want the visitor to see there. This should be something that catches their attention and encourages them to stay.


That half a head image takes up a lot of the precious real estate you have "above the fold" on your site. Although the image in itself is not annoying. I fear you have done yourself a disservice using it as you have by taking away the opportunity to place important information where the visitor can see it.



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Updated SEO meta tags to include product categories:


<title>{$companyname} - {$pagetitle}{if $groupname} - {$groupname}{/if}{if $product.name} - {$product.name}{/if}{if $forum.forumname} - {$forum.forumname}{/if}{if $kbcat.name} - {$kbcat.name}{/if}{if $title} - {$title}{/if}{if $kbarticle.title} - {$kbarticle.title}{/if}{if $dlarticle.title}{$dlarticle.title} - {$dlcat.name}{/if}{if $announcement.title} - {$announcement.title}{/if}{$announcement.text|truncate:200:"..."}</title>

<meta name="Author" content="Bitronic Technologies" />

<meta name="Robots" content="index,follow" />

<meta name="description" content="{$companyname} - {if $groupname}{$groupname} - {/if}{if $product.name}{$product.name} - {/if}{if $forum.forumname}{$forum.forumname} - {/if}{if $dlarticle.title}{$dlarticle.title} -

{$dlcat.name} - {$dlcat.description} - {$download.title} - {$download.description} {/if}

{if $kbarticle.title}{$kbcat.name} - {$kbcat.description} - {$kbarticle.title} -

{$kbarticle.article|truncate:30} - {/if}{if $announcement.title}{$announcement.title}

- {$announcement.text|truncate:30} - {/if} - Web Hosting and Design Simplicity." />


<meta name="keywords" content="{$pagetitle}{if $title}, {$title}{/if}{if $groupname}, {$groupname}{if $product.name}, {$product.name}{/if}{/if}

{if $kbcat.name}, {$kbcat.name}{/if}{if $kbarticle.title},

{$kbarticle.titletruncate:}{/if}{if $kbcat.description}, {$kbcat.description|truncate:40}{/if}

{if $dlarticle.title}, {$dlarticle.title}{/if}{if $dlcat.name}, {$dlcat.name|truncate:40}{/if}

{if $announcement.title}, {$announcement.title}{/if}{if $forum.forumname}, {$forum.forumname}{/if}" />

Edited by bytedisorder
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I see what you guys mean about the head taking up the page I don't get many clicks "below the fold". I think I'm just going to make it a lot smaller like I have in my client area. This is my first attempt at selling hosting so I appreciate the input.


you dont really need that head shot even smallers or the red house.


alos i think you would be better creating and index page and have links to the WHMCS index.php page as it looks out of place with the links at the bottom of the page with your tweets above these.


your tweets are less important than the whmcs links so these should be at the very bottom of the page.

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I'd say you need a new logo and if you can afford it, a professional designer who can not only design a pretty site but also understands how to communicate your message to your potential customers. It takes me far too long to figure out what your site is. You need to always keep in mind the answer to this question when you are designing a page - "Am I in the right place?".

Edited by Seiya
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I dont know about that... I do have premium hosting register a domain name etc right in the top section it seems quite apparent what the site is. I have only designed 58 websites in total, I am a novice with WHMCS but actually I make a decent living doing web design...


I just took off a big Image that said web design and hosting simplicity, which I suppose doesnt help.

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I dont know about that... I do have premium hosting register a domain name etc right in the top section it seems quite apparent what the site is. I have only designed 58 websites in total, I am a novice with WHMCS but actually I make a decent living doing web design...


I just took off a big Image that said web design and hosting simplicity, which I suppose doesnt help.


It doesn't really matter how long you've been doing it for. I've been in this game for 20+ years and the longer I am, the more I realize I have to learn. I'd recommend a book such as this.

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So I listened to everybody's advice, bought a template from jack over at zomex.com integrated my custom modules and styles, and I have seen a massive increase in conversions. I am also reading the book Convert! by ben hunt, extremely good read and well worth the $20 thanks everybody for the great advice.

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So I listened to everybody's advice, bought a template from jack over at zomex.com integrated my custom modules and styles, and I have seen a massive increase in conversions. I am also reading the book Convert! by ben hunt, extremely good read and well worth the $20 thanks everybody for the great advice.



well done, that looks a lot better

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yeah I'm trying to figure the logo out now unfortunately I already printed business cards and brochures with that logo :(


you need a logo that will match your website. maybe the same logo but colurs to match the site. the logo i use for my business cards etc. is different to my site logo

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I think you could find a better placement for the login and register links at the top (maybe centered above the live chat image)


also on the portal it seems your tweets don't load.


yeah it's an error with the tweets script on https pages I have to look into it.


as far as login and register go I'm definitely going to make it bigger but when the user is logged in it displays welcome back, {$firstname}


It's teaser text to convince people they should create an account. My next big project is talking to myself in my forums to add pages to the site and generate the appearance of high activity.


also I still have to make langing pages for my SSL certificates, but overall the site is coming along

Edited by bytedisorder
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So I listened to everybody's advice, bought a template from jack over at zomex.com integrated my custom modules and styles, and I have seen a massive increase in conversions. I am also reading the book Convert! by ben hunt, extremely good read and well worth the $20 thanks everybody for the great advice.
Much better and you can't go wrong with Jack at Zomex.
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Okay the non breaking space is fixed now. Over the next few days I'll be implementing a few new changes to the site and I'll post here when they are done. Thanks for all of the reviews thus far guys you've made my life much easier with the good advice given in this thread.


OK, but can you explain why you have a live help button at the top of your page when you have also added oine half way down the page. this does not make you look professional

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