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Create a parked domain for new clients to upload their sites

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I own a hosting company and I have been wanting to automate some tasks for a while. One of the automation features I wanted was automatic parked domain creation so that users would have a temp/developer URL to use before taking their site live instead of using the unsecure mod_usedir method (i.e. http://ipadddress/~accountname.


We used the WHMCS action hook for this.


What we automated:

1. new account name = harryp, new account domain = willworklater.com

(this will resolve after the client changes their DNS once their happy with the new site)


2. a live domain that resolves properly = workingdomain.com

(belongs to another account we own, but is a working URL)


Use the XMLAPI "Park A Domain" function and parked "harryp.workingdomain.com" on top of "willworklater.com" so the user can develop their site by using "harryp.workingdomain.com".


You will need the xmlapi.php file from Github.

Download it here: https://github.com/CpanelInc/xmlapi-php

Copy it to your WHMCS install directory and put it in the /admin directory and the script should load it OK


cPanel XMLAPI functions: http://docs.cpanel.net/twiki/bin/view/ApiDocs/Api2/WebHome


Create a new parkdomain.php in your /includes/hooks directory


Paste this code in the blank parkdomain.php file you just create:

// Create a development/upload URL for new account setups so that you don't 
// have to use mod_userdir which can have security risks.
// Created by Eric Caldwell, Web-JIVE LLC, Little Rock Arkansas - http://www.web-jive.com
// Distributed under the GPL 2.0 license
// Special thankns to John Kata, Technical Analyst II, cPanel for helping
// Extra notes: You need to set cPanel to allow parking across domains
// WHM -> Tweak Settings -> Domains -> Allow domain parking across accounts

function createparkeddomain($vars) {
		//print_r($vars); //uncomment to dump the WHMCS $vars array
		$cpanel_user = $vars['params']['username']; //pulls the username from WHMCS
		$cpanel_password = $vars['params']['password']; //pulls the user password from WHMCS
		$cpanel_ip = $vars['params']['serverip']; //pulls the sever IP for the server being used in products. You can substitute an IP if you wish.
		$pdomain = $cpanel_user.".web-jive.com"; //change the last part of this script to a working domain you want to use

		//echo "pars ".$cpanel_ip." user ".$cpanel_user." pass ".$cpanel_password." domain ".$pdomain." ".$cpanel_domain;  //uncomment to see vars printed
		//echo getcwd(); //Ucomment to show where your xmlapi.php file is located. Should be in /

		$xmlapi = new xmlapi($cpanel_ip);
		print $xmlapi->api2_query($cpanel_user, 'Park', 'park', array('domain' => $pdomain));



Good luck. P.S. I don't have time to answer support questions so, try it at your own risk and post questions here. If I can't answer them, someone else can help.


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It'sjust for reference.


It should work out of the box. Simply copy the code provided and save as /includes/hooks/parkdomain.php


The single line edit is here:


$pdomain = $cpanel_user.".web-jive.com"; (replace with the domain you want to park).


The result, in this example, will be:

-> new cpanel account "johndoe.com" (username will be johndoe)

-> parked domain will be johndoe.web-jive.com




You will need the xmlapi.php available at Github, too. Download it and save in /admin folder.

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  • 3 months later...

Nice contribution, thanks. However.... surely allowing users to park subdomains of domains they do not own is far more insecure than using mod_userdir? This could be used to do some very nasty things indeed.


EDIT: To make this secure, you'd need to park the domain as either the reseller who owns the user account or as root. This should prevent you from having to globally allow users to park subdomains that belong to other user domains.

Edited by JulesR
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@JulesR, your now allowing others to park domains on top of domains they don't own with this addon. This is a hook which handles that at the time of account creation. If a user tries to park domain via cPanel on another users domain, it's rejected.

I don't think you're understanding what I've said.


This is insecure because in order for it to work you have to enable the option that allows users to park domains they do not own on top of their own domain. This is because the hook you've written runs as the user account instead of the root or main reseller account.


So, because you have to enable this option for this hook to work, users can then essentially hi-jack subdomains of other domains by parking them on top of their own domain.


This is very, very bad.

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I don't think you're understanding what I've said.


This is insecure because in order for it to work you have to enable the option that allows users to park domains they do not own on top of their own domain. This is because the hook you've written runs as the user account instead of the root or main reseller account.


So, because you have to enable this option for this hook to work, users can then essentially hi-jack subdomains of other domains by parking them on top of their own domain.


This is very, very bad.



Simple solution, make it use the root or main reseller account details from the WHMCS database rather than the cpanel user.

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Simple solution, make it use the root or main reseller account details from the WHMCS database rather than the cpanel user.

Not really a simple solution for those using the script is it? My purpose was to point out the flaw and insecurity to the original developer, which I have done. We've already developed a far more robust and secure solution to this using the main reseller account details.

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Not really a simple solution for those using the script is it? My purpose was to point out the flaw and insecurity to the original developer, which I have done. We've already developed a far more robust and secure solution to this using the main reseller account details.


And my point was to point out how to correct the issue to the OP, not to teach people how to use PHP.

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