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Enom question


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How does the Enom registration work ?


does it register domains directly under the reseller account, or does it create a sub-account for the user.


The reason I ask is that there is a long ongoing issue we have had with domains registered under the reseller account.

The renewal links send out to customers will not work when it gets too close to the renewal, I think up to 1 week before, then the customer is no longer able to renew and we have to do it manually.

As a result we switched to using the ENOM reseller portal which requires customers to sign-up and create a sub-account first.

There is also the fact that customers do not have access to all the free features unless they have a sub-account.as there is no where for them to login to manage it.


So really I want to know If we switch to using WHMCS for our domain registration are we going to end up with the same problems we had before ? Or do they not affect the API ?

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so can they then do everything they would be able to do via a sub-account via WHMCS.

Setup email/web forwarding

ID protect



And they will still be able to renew close to and even after the renewal date without any of the aforementioned problems.

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