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Session Issues?

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Does any other user have issues with there sessions?


I am finding that no matter how long a user is logged into there clientarea they are not logged out. Its strange as the server ini is set to 24 mins so it should be logging out after that period of inactivity BUT it doesnt appear to be doing this.


Ive tested this on my dev license also wich is on a completely different server to production and it seems to be having the same effect. A close collegue of mine also uses whmcs and his install is again on a completely different server in a totally different country and again the same problem persists. Even if you close you browser and then re-open it it still has you logged in!


It seems to be happening in Firefox constantly and other browsers now and again. Another funny thing is that forthe whmcs website itself this problem is non-existant! I know the majority of users will say its the php.ini BUT like i stated i have checked that and its defo set at 24 mins so it should destroy the session, but its not.


I have a ticket on hold regarding this so matt can see if any other users report this issue. Though id post a thread to see whether any one else is having the same issue..perhaps no one else has noticed after all how many of you actually login into their clients account? and if you do ifs probarbly only for a few mins....:!:

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Hi Sparky,


Ahh, now that would make sense. Im suprised matt didnt suggest that in the support ticket :?


My first impressions of the livehelp by stardevelop have been really good BUT in my opinion they should have looked at the session issue...is there no way that this can be split from the sessions of whmcs so that they are destroyed? and the user logged out?


In your mind is there a work around??


Also i presume that this would be happening for all livehelp software?


Lastly, it still doesnt explain why the exact same thing happens on my dev license OR my collegues setup which doesnt have any type of livehelp installed....so maybe its not the livehelp??

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Was just a suggestion!! it may not have been the answer.

You could run a java timer and force the session logout.

Heres something that I was playing with a while ago... it may get you started


{if $loggedin}

<div>Session Expires in <span id="counter"></span></div>

<script type="text/javascript">




var tick=60; // every 60 seconds

var seconds=1440+tick;

function display_counter() {


if (seconds<0){


alert("Your Session has Expired.");


else {

if (seconds<300) { // 5 minutes

tick=1; // every second


var s = parseInt(seconds / tick);

if (tick==1) {

s += ' seconds';


else {

s += ' minutes';


var e=document.getElementById('counter');

e.parentNode.style.visibility = "visible";










Note: this does not force the logout or clear the session yet. Only displays the time left. Edited by sparky
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LOL, no problem sparky, Appreciate the input regrdless.


Note: this does not force the logout or clear the session yet. Only displays the time left.


again thanks for input but this would appear to be cosmetics then an not really what im after...need to destroy the session...ill have a play aroundwith it though see what i can come up with mself. thanks

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Just another thought!!


Maybe the session garbage collector is not running as often as it should be...

you could try adding this to the top of your configuration.php file


@ini_set('session.gc_probability', 1);

@ini_set('session.gc_divisor', 1);

That should make it fairly harsh though


Edited by sparky
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