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Confusing domain prices in cart

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I know different people have made this question before but I can't find any answers...


When you give away a "Free domain" with a hosting package, it says the price of the domain instead of "Free" or "0.00" in the shopping cart, until the user adds the domain.


This is extremely confusing for the clients that doesn't understand the domain will be free UNTIL they add it to the cart.


Is there a way to modify this behavior?


Thank you.:-P

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I know different people have made this question before but I can't find any answers...


When you give away a "Free domain" with a hosting package, it says the price of the domain instead of "Free" or "0.00" in the shopping cart, until the user adds the domain.


This is extremely confusing for the clients that doesn't understand the domain will be free UNTIL they add it to the cart.


Is there a way to modify this behavior?


Thank you.:-P


Good point, I have had it mentioned numerous times and would be interested to hear how others deal with it.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...

I agree it would be good to be able to not show the price here. I kind of understand the logic from WHMCS that you don't know it's free before you've selected product/billingcycle which may affect whether it's free or not, but we've worked around it by just putting this in the top of the template file:


If a free domain is included in the selected product, you can safely disregard any shown domain price!
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...
I'm sure a bit of custom coding in the template can fix this.We are still working on the major aspects of our installation, but when I get to this I'll post a fix.


Came across this thread when I had the same problem. Here is my workaround for the Vertical Steps order form.


In templates/orderforms/verticalsteps/configureproductdomain.tpl, find this bit of markup:


<table class="styled textcenter">


{foreach key=num item=result from=$availabilityresults}

<tr><td>{$result.domain}</td><td class="{if $result.status eq $searchvar}textgreen{else}textred{/if}">{if $result.status eq $searchvar}<input type="checkbox" name="domains[]" value="{$result.domain}"{if $num eq 0} checked{/if} /> {$LANG.domainavailable}{else}{$LANG.domainunavailable}{/if}</td><td>{if $result.regoptions}<select name="domainsregperiod[{$result.domain}]">{foreach key=period item=regoption from=$result.regoptions}{if $regoption.$domainoption}<option value="{$period}">{$period} {$LANG.orderyears} @ {$regoption.$domainoption}</option>{/if}{/foreach}</select>{/if}</td></tr>




And replace with:


{foreach key=num item=result from=$availabilityresults}

{assign var="strpos_tld" value=$result.domain|strpos:"."}

{assign var="this_tld" value=$result.domain|substr:$strpos_tld}

<tr><td>{$result.domain}</td><td class="{if $result.status eq $searchvar}textgreen{else}textred{/if}">{if $result.status eq $searchvar}<input type="checkbox" name="domains[]" value="{$result.domain}"{if $num eq 0} checked{/if} /> {$LANG.domainavailable}{else}{$LANG.domainunavailable}{/if}</td><td>

{if $freedomaintlds && $freedomaintlds|strstr:$this_tld}{$LANG.orderfree}{foreach key=period item=regoption from=$result.regoptions name=period}{if $smarty.foreach.period.first}<input type="hidden" name="domainsregperiod[{$result.domain}]" value="{$period}" />{/if}{/foreach}

{elseif $result.regoptions}<select name="domainsregperiod[{$result.domain}]">{foreach key=period item=regoption from=$result.regoptions}{if $regoption.$domainoption}<option value="{$period}">{$period} {$LANG.orderyears} @ {$regoption.$domainoption}</option>{/if}{/foreach}</select>




Now this only displays the registration period dropdown if the client has to pay for the domain. For free TLDs, it will automatically select the shortest registration period and display "FREE!" instead of the dropdown.


I knocked this up quite quickly so please let me know if you discover any problems!

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  • 3 weeks later...

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