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Need help to move affiliate banner codes to stand alone page


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I want to place the affiliate codes on its own page because the banner images are displayed on the page and it has now become a clutter and lengthened the page significantly.


I created a template file called affiliatelinks.tpl and added


{if $loggedin}

{if $affiliatelinkscode}




but the links do not display. What can I do to show the banner codes separately from the aff report page? Ideally I'd like to have several pages categorized as 728x90, 300x250, 160x600 etc.

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I don't get what you are suggesting here and with all due respect, did you not note in my initial post that I have already extracted and used that code? It just is not calling the data so there must be a query in the encoded affiliates.php which is making the call then output to the $affiliatelinkscode definition.


I just don't know how that query is written and this is where I seek assistance. I don't know how else to clarify my quest.


So in repetition here is what I have already done with no success


Created files affiliatelinks.php and affiliatelinks.tpl

Inserted in affiliatelinks.tpl the code copied from affiliates.tpl and wrapped within the logged in condition as below;

{if $loggedin}

{if $affiliatelinkscode}





The page opens without error but the affiliate codes do not display.

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It just is not calling the data so there must be a query in the encoded affiliates.php which is making the call then output to the $affiliatelinkscode definition.


Yes, you will need to "paste" the details you've put in the text-area in whmcs into your new page, and change the text area display in the affilaite tpl to be a link to your new page

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What exactly do you have in affiliatelinks.php? Did you follow the instructions located on the wiki article I pasted to you a while ago?


the code you're looking for is in the template vars. You can output them with this:




Then reference them within your template code, or manipulate them as an array reference and assign them to a new smarty tag.

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Yes, you will need to "paste" the details you've put in the text-area in whmcs into your new page, and change the text area display in the affilaite tpl to be a link to your new page


The manual method will show the code but the affliate's ID is not displayed with this code


<(a href="[AffiliateLinkCode]")><(img src="banner.png" width="728" height="90" border="0")><(/a)>


What can I do so the code interprets the logged in affiliate's ID?

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This is what I have in the php file




$pagetitle = "Affiliate Banners";
$pageicon = "images/support/clientarea.gif";
$breadcrumbnav = '<a href="index.php">'.$_LANG['globalsystemname'].'</a>';
$breadcrumbnav .= ' » <a href="affiliatelinks.php">Affiliate Banners</a>';


if ($_SESSION['uid']) {
 # User is Logged In - put any code you like here

# To assign variables in Smarty use the following syntax.
# This can then be used as {$variablename} in the template

$smartyvalues["variablename"] = $value;

$templatefile = "affiliatelinks";



I tried many smarty variables relative to affiliate codes and still no result.

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I got this working now with help from WHMCS but now I have another issue. I have 8 categories which require 8 pages and I want to load each template file with the single afflinks.php file using a url query similar to clientarea.php?action=invoices so mine would be as afflinks.php?action=728x90, afflinks.php?action=300x250 and so on.


I have created each of the .tpl files for the categories but just cannot figure how to load them. Can anyone offer instructions?

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