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WHMCS Time Tracking Module

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Hi All,


Time tracking module has been released (Product is IonCube Encoded)


Full details see - WHMCS Time Tracking Module


Price is R265 (ZAR) which is (currently) $36.50 USD


Please note this is a first release, even though we have tested it in house there is always a possibility of small issues cropping up - do not panic if you find a bug simply submit a support ticket and we will resolve.


This is also our first licensed product release so any teething issues with the order process please report back so we can sort it out.

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I am glad to let everybody know that the order process is working 100% - the installation is working 100% and we now accept payments via PayPal (we are running a licensed / encoded version on our servers)


It is also working 100% on the new version 4.3


As always, feedback is greatly appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can confirm it works 100% with 4.3.1 (that is what we are running currently). Yes, we will be continuing to maintain it in the future.


We are releasing a small update in the next week as requested by a current user

1) It will automatically create a project and a task for every client so that it does not need to be done automatically

2) The project+hours summary will be shown in the ticket view (like where the clients services are displayed)

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  • 2 weeks later...

@lovecoredesigns - as per my private message, incase anyone else would like to know - that is correct; you can select a date range and then bill for all hours within that date range. It will generate a WHMCS invoice. By default all hours logged as set to "Billed" but if you would like to log hours that you do not want to be included in an invoice you can simply "Unbill" them (you can also re-bill them afterwards if you change your mind).


@asimov - sure, we are working on a trial release and will post when it has been released.

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  • 3 weeks later...



I just purchased the module and I must say good job! Other than my one request it seems to do what I wanted it for. Hour tracking, based on projects and even specific tasks of a project. It even generates the invoices and lets you email them to the client. Two thumbs up!


I would like to request a couple features.


1) I would like to be able to select specific items in the "All Hours Report" to generate an invoice for. I would imagine check boxes beside the list would be the best option.


2) I would also like to option to have it generate invoices automatically at a specified date for unbilled entries. Maybe another option in addition to billed and unbilled could be autobill?


Please get back to me and let me know!



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Hi dafky,


Thanks for your comments, we are busy with a few updates on the module currently (Expenses module too), I will definitely queue up the 'edit' function and the ability to tick/untick hours to bill.


The other request of autobill we will need to queue up for a future release once more purchases have been made to justify the time taken for this enhancement. Thanks

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  • 4 weeks later...



I tried installing your demo version of the time tracking module but I am getting the following error in the "Timesheet" page:


Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct() [simplexmlelement.--construct]: Entity: line 1: parser error : Space required after the Public Identifier in /usr/share/web/icbill/webshare/modules/admin/time_tracking/ajax_todaystasks.php on line 20


Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct() [simplexmlelement.--construct]: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"> in /usr/share/web/icbill/webshare/modules/admin/time_tracking/ajax_todaystasks.php on line 20


Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct() [simplexmlelement.--construct]: ^ in /usr/share/web/icbill/webshare/modules/admin/time_tracking/ajax_todaystasks.php on line 20


Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct() [simplexmlelement.--construct]: Entity: line 1: parser error : SystemLiteral " or ' expected in /usr/share/web/icbill/webshare/modules/admin/time_tracking/ajax_todaystasks.php on line 20


Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct() [simplexmlelement.--construct]: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"> in /usr/share/web/icbill/webshare/modules/admin/time_tracking/ajax_todaystasks.php on line 20


Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct() [simplexmlelement.--construct]: ^ in /usr/share/web/icbill/webshare/modules/admin/time_tracking/ajax_todaystasks.php on line 20


Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct() [simplexmlelement.--construct]: Entity: line 1: parser error : SYSTEM or PUBLIC, the URI is missing in /usr/share/web/icbill/webshare/modules/admin/time_tracking/ajax_todaystasks.php on line 20


Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct() [simplexmlelement.--construct]: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"> in /usr/share/web/icbill/webshare/modules/admin/time_tracking/ajax_todaystasks.php on line 20


Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct() [simplexmlelement.--construct]: ^ in /usr/share/web/icbill/webshare/modules/admin/time_tracking/ajax_todaystasks.php on line 20


Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'String could not be parsed as XML' in /usr/share/web/icbill/webshare/modules/admin/time_tracking/ajax_todaystasks.php:20 Stack trace: #0 /usr/share/web/icbill/webshare/modules/admin/time_tracking/ajax_todaystasks.php(20): SimpleXMLElement->__construct() #1 /usr/share/web/icbill/webshare/modules/admin/time_tracking/ajax.php(6): unknown() #2 /usr/share/web/icbill/webshare/modules/admin/time_tracking/time_tracking.php(105): unknown() #3 {main} thrown in /usr/share/web/icbill/webshare/modules/admin/time_tracking/ajax_todaystasks.php on line 20


All the other pages look okay. I am using WHMCS 4.3.1 with PHP 5.3.


Please advise.


Thank you.




Screenshot: http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/8116/selection028.png

Edited by Darkphyre
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  • 3 months later...

Hi Sloop


Thanks for letting us know, we have recently changed the path of our WHMCS installation. The images have been fixed.


Please note - as per Darkphyres post above that happens when either (a) you have not filled in the correct API URL or (b) you have not filled in the correct admin credentials or © you have not added your servers IP addresses to the security section - all of this is in the instructions.


All support requests to go via our support ticket system on http://www.everythingweb.co.za/whmcs - your support questions will not be answered efficiently using this forum

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  • 2 months later...

I am not too sure I understand how your module works. While your step by step guide may help with guessing the features, it would help for you to have a descriptive list of what this module actually does.


In this regard, I have the following questions:


1) How does this module track time? Does this module allow for automatic time tracking or is this a manual thing? In other words, suppose I am a law office trying to work on a project relating to my client. Doe sthis module automatically begin to track time as soon as I open the project? If not, can you explain how the idea of project ties with the idea of time tracking in your mdoule?


For law offices, the whole interest of thsi would be to have it begin to track time automatically. Or, an alternative would be, when a project has been created, to have a button that says "Begin Tracking". This would tell the module to begin tracking. The module would stop tracking if someone clicks on "End Trackinh" or closes the project.


2) related to the above, it night be interesting to know if this module would organize time tracking in such a way as to keep adding time each time someoner opens it (or click on some "Begin Tracking Button").This means add all times spent on the project, including minutes and hours, so that at the end of a given period, all those times are added and converted into hours ready for billing.


3) Another issue related to what a project or task actually represents in your system. For a alw office, a project and task might consist of opening a file and beginning to type a report or an analysis of a case, and the time spent on this is then recorded. With your module, how is this idea represented? Does one open a file or is this simply about typing into some sort of text area, and saving the work as one would a post on this forum?

What might be interesting is to see if any such post can be transformed into a PDF file that is then attached to the same "post", and PDFcopies made for each new edit to track the changes. Similarly, would there be some sort of button that could allow to publish finalized work as a PDF file that would become available to the customer in the billing area? And with this "publication" an ivoice automatically generated that would compute all the time spent typing this file? And can a log be optionally generated and published at the same time to the customer that would show the beginning and ends of various typing sessions?


4) Finally, can a chatand support system such as the one that is officially integrated with WHMCS be adapted so that time spent on a chat sessin with a customer can also be automatically billed? Some companies bill support time to customers, and being able to automatically bill time spent in a chat session with a customer might be another good addition.


5) Last but not least, have you thought of a way to have a phone call made via Google Voice, Skype or Messenger, or even vonage oe Magick Jack timed and such time sent to WHMCS for automatic billing? I know some law office software have the ability to link a call to a billing sotware on a computer, thereby allowing a lawyer to time the conversation and thereby billing the customer automatically at the end of the session.


I know all this is a lot of requests, but you might as well pursue this projet and take it to its fullest logical potentail...





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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Bobo,


Thank you for your extensive post, we do not monitor this forum - so please any future queries should go via our website.


Please note that the module is created to be as simple as possible to track time. There are no auto-timers, just form to log time per day. Please view our knowledgebase article for how the module works. We also allow 7 day trials if you'd like to try it out.


Your suggestions are great but just not feasible at the moment to develop the more advanced functions you are mentioning.

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  • 10 months later...

Hi -


The new link is https://www.everythingweb.co.za/whmcs/cart.php?gid=3


We now have a 30 day trial. It is a "Legacy Module" but it works without any issues in 5.0.x


Please remember as many people do not - WHMCS 5 does not have an 'admin' folder inside the modules directory by default. You will need to create this folder and put the module inside of it. It does NOT go inside the "addons" directory.


We are planning to have a new version of both modules available around June/July.

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