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Why are you building the site in tables?

CSS is the answer.


My honest opinion... this looks like its out of the 80's and if I were a prospective customer I wouldnt buy from you sorry.

I know it's harsh, but its my true thoughts, no point lying to you.


Learn CSS and you will be building better looking sites in no time, it gives such detailed control over tiny aspects. With CSS3 being so well used now, the skies the limit!

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  PingVPS said:


Why are you building the site in tables?

CSS is the answer.


My honest opinion... this looks like its out of the 80's and if I were a prospective customer I wouldnt buy from you sorry.

I know it's harsh, but its my true thoughts, no point lying to you.


Learn CSS and you will be building better looking sites in no time, it gives such detailed control over tiny aspects. With CSS3 being so well used now, the skies the limit!


As much as I would love to start utilizing CSS3 and HTML5, not all browsers support them. As time progresses I will begin using more modern coding. Till then I will stick with what is compatible now with most average computer users.


You are entitled to your opinion about my site design and I appreciate the honesty :-)


With that being said, it still doesn't solve my problem that I am having with tables and heights.

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  PingVPS said:


Why are you building the site in tables?

CSS is the answer.


My honest opinion... this looks like its out of the 80's and if I were a prospective customer I wouldnt buy from you sorry.

I know it's harsh, but its my true thoughts, no point lying to you.


Learn CSS and you will be building better looking sites in no time, it gives such detailed control over tiny aspects. With CSS3 being so well used now, the skies the limit!


However, if you are willing to help push me to the right direction so i can start learning that would be very much appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Its certainly a step in the right direction.

As as far as compatibility goes, you can still cater for even IE6 users with CSS3 with the right setup.


Look at user stats these days, even average Joe Bloggs knows better than to use IE!


I am still not keen on your colour choices, especially the fact you seem to love variants of #9FA9C1, but thats personal preference I guess...

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  jelew1985 said:
As much as I would love to start utilizing CSS3 and HTML5, not all browsers support them. As time progresses I will begin using more modern coding. Till then I will stick with what is compatible now with most average computer users.




I agree that HTML5 isn't a good idea yet but using CSS is the best thing to do. HTML tables never were browser consistent due to the way they are structured. Using div tags and CSS on the other hand is consistent among the most popular browsers these days. You may find some problems with IE6 but that's a dying browser and I can't imagine many people using IE6 and being interested in web hosting.


You don't need to use CSS3 specific style just because it's the new version. I only one 1 CSS3 specific style across my whole site and no HTML5 tags. The CSS style I use it for round borders on a couple of elements.




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So, after doing plenty of research and trial error. I created an CSS3 version of the site without tables...




Honestly the difference between your old design and your new design is huge! It looks much better and has a professional feel to it. Not to mention the fact that because it's made from CSS it's going to be quicker to load and more consistent among browsers.


I recommend avoiding:




I noticed that you're using HTML5. I would recommend avoiding it personally as you can achieve the same results with HTML4 while being browser friendly.



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