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Nominet Module - TAG Changes


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Hi All,


We're working on a change to the Nominet module to allow TAG changes by the admin and the client.


Initial idea is to allow via admin/client area so that re-tagging a domain means you stay within WHMCS.


Now, what I am looking for comments on is as follows:


1) When a domain is de-tagged. Is it deleted? or set to cancelled? Either way, an entry to activity log should be added to indicate that it was transferred and to which TAG. I personally would go for cancelled but want to see what others would do, or currently do.


2) Should it be allowed to all clients by default? or should there be an on/off switch within the module settings. I'm inclined to go for the latter as not everyone will want to use it.


Whilst we are doing this, we're going to try and add a switch for WHOIS opt-out so that a user who is eligible can change this as required.





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Same as Chris, when transferred out it should be marked as cancelled and allow admins the ability to switch the transfer out option off.


Now if someone could build a hack that would check that the tag is correct before starting a transfer in I would be happy ;)

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I'll have a word with Matt. There is a "nominet_TransferDomain" function in the file but it does not do much currently. If it is a quick fix, we'll see if we can knock this out (and give it an option too, as some people won't use it).



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  • 4 weeks later...

We should have the TAG change bit with the appropriate cron check finished shortly and once Matt has checked/encoded, looking for 1 or 2 testers that we can work with to move some test domains from one TAG to another to ensure all is good.


Phil - you interested in the first step?



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  • 2 weeks later...

It will be if we can get the code complete ;) but at present there are still a few bugs. The cron script also is not included yet, so tag changes awaiting manual handshake from the new registrar won't do anything (delete/set to cancelled).



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