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Plesk Panel 9.2 does not accept dot characters in telephone numbers

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Hey there,


This is a pretty straightforward one relating to the Plesk module. When signing up, customers can specify their telephone number in whatever format the order theme allows, including () around area codes and - or . delimiters such as 999.999.9999 or 999-999-9999.


This is not a problem for WHMCS, but apparently it is for Plesk (at least v9.2) which only accepts hyphens between digits when creating client accounts. When a customer recently attempted to create a new account, it resulted in the following provisioning error:


Error: 1023 - cObject::update() failed: Some fields are empty or contain an improper value. ('phone' = '902.042.2381') Errors : phone


Clearly this is not a major issue as I simply changed the format of the telephone number for the client in WHMCS and re-attempted the provisioning. However it does present a case where human interaction may be required in a supposedly entirely automated process.


It seems it would be beneficial to alter any provided telephone numbers to match a common format of XXX-XXX-XXXX while interacting with the Plesk API.





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it is a general problem that you can not force the client to fill in the phone number by a custom rule (regular expression).


Yes, I suppose that would be nice for consistency. Although not a requirement for working within WHMCS itself, it could be very handy when exporting to other applications or, in this case, while working with APIs.


I think I will see about forcing a certain scheme via Javascript during the order process. For those interested, this will be done in viewcart.tpl in the order template files.

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This may not be the greatest way of handling this problem, but it manages a few different telephone number formats and works well for most input styles.


throw this between the javascript tags at the top of your viewcart.tpl:


function toPhoneFormat(isField) {

isPhone = isField.value;

isPhone = isPhone.replace(/\D/g,''); //remove all non-decimal


//Telephone number without country code

if (isPhone.length == 10){

isPhone = isPhone.replace(/^(\d{3})(\d{3})/,'$1-$2-');

isField.value = isPhone;


//Telephone number with single digit country code

else if (isPhone.length == 11){

isPhone = isPhone.replace(/^(\d{1})(\d{3})(\d{3})/,'$1-$2-$3-');

isField.value = isPhone;


//Telephone number with double digit country code

else if (isPhone.length == 12){

isPhone = isPhone.replace(/^(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})/,'$1-$2-$3-$4-$5-');

isField.value = isPhone;


//Telephone number with three digit country code

else if (isPhone.length == 13){

isPhone = isPhone.replace(/^(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})/,'$1-$2-$3-');

isField.value = isPhone;


else {

isField.value = 'Invalid';





Then add this to your phone number input field:




For example:


<tr><td class="fieldarea">{$LANG.clientareaphonenumber}</td><td>{if $loggedin}{$clientsdetails.phonenumber}{else}<input type="text" name="phonenumber" size="20" value="{$clientsdetails.phonenumber}" onblur="toPhoneFormat(this)" />{/if}</td></tr>


Maybe this will help others until a single phone number format is settled by WHMCS.



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