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[NOT A BUG] order of dns servers


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WHMCS is getting this info via the registrar API from your domain registrar. I've entered DNS servers directly via the registrars web interface before and when querying WHOIS later, discovered they are not in the same order I entered them.


There is no such thing as a truly primary/secondary/tertiary hierarchy in DNS (DNS server selection will always be made at random from the servers available to distribute the load, you can't have all your DNS requests always hit a single server and failover if it's unavailable)


Aside from aesthetics, this is a non issue - even then, it would be with the registrar not WHMCS.

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Your naming is wrong anyway, to be frank. "ns.domain.com" and then "ns1.domain.com" makes absolutely no sense.


ns0 - ns1 - ns2


ns1 - ns2 - ns3


ns[ no number ] just doesn't make sense if you want to use numerical sequencing...because it has no number :)

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  generic said:
Your naming is wrong anyway, to be frank. "ns.domain.com" and then "ns1.domain.com" makes absolutely no sense.


thanks, i will redo my server just for you.



Just mentioned so you could see why it might be that way, dunno if it's classed as a bug or not :)

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