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API Support


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I could be missing something and if I am I apologize, but is there any support or documentation for using the API?


I would like to know:

* what actions are available

* what goto parameters are available

* how I can access any of the variables returned after an api action has taken place


and loads more.


As this is a compiled package it removes the opportunity to reverse engineer and work out answers for myself. SO please can someone point me in the right direction and help.


Thank you!

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  kmm2908 said:


I could be missing something and if I am I apologize, but is there any support or documentation for using the API?


I would like to know:

* what actions are available

* what goto parameters are available

* how I can access any of the variables returned after an api action has taken place


and loads more.


As this is a compiled package it removes the opportunity to reverse engineer and work out answers for myself. SO please can someone point me in the right direction and help.


Thank you!


The API are basic and many fetures need to be implemented manualy, now i'm creating my own API,


To start creat i suggest


 $silent = 'true';
 include '../dbconnect.php';
 include 'functions.php';
 $query = '
 FROM tbladmins 
   username=\'' . $_POST['username'] . '\' AND 
   password=\'' . $_POST['password'] . '\' AND 

 $result = mysql_query ($query);
 $data = mysql_fetch_array ($result);
 $adminid = $data['id'];

 if (!$adminid) {
   echo 'result=error;message=Authentication Failed';
   exit ();

 switch ($_POST['action']){

   case 'youtfunction':

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  • 4 weeks later...
  battisti said:
The API are basic and many fetures need to be implemented manualy, now i'm creating my own API,


To start creat i suggest


 $silent = 'true';
 include '../dbconnect.php';
 include 'functions.php';
 $query = '
 FROM tbladmins 
   username=\'' . $_POST['username'] . '\' AND 
   password=\'' . $_POST['password'] . '\' AND 

 $result = mysql_query ($query);
 $data = mysql_fetch_array ($result);
 $adminid = $data['id'];

 if (!$adminid) {
   echo 'result=error;message=Authentication Failed';
   exit ();

 switch ($_POST['action']){

   case 'youtfunction':




I wouldn't recommend using the above, there are 2 fundamental flaws I can see without looking in to it deeply.


Firstly, if you provide an incorrect username or password, it will give you an error for using fetch array (unless you hide errors), in any case, you should atleast use a row check before fetching an array.


Secondly, if I submitted the username as admin' --' followed by the password of test--, that would create the query:


 FROM tbladmins 
   username='admin' [i][size="1"]--' AND 
   password='test--'[/size][/i] AND roleid='1'


Not a SQL query I would like executing login authentication. Add some security to your queries, otherwise you may aswell give away your MySQL Login details than use an API.



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