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Critical Error Could not connect to the database


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Ok sorry everyone the database error was because whmcs account was suspended on the server. but for some reason whmcs started suspending all accounts. I'm not sure why.. I see cronjob for suspend in activity log.. but not sure how to look into cronjobs. can anyone help me on this cronjob issue?

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Okay I have been told I might have to run a cron job for the automation settings. In whmcs/setup/automation settings it says this. "To enable the automation features to run, make sure you set up a cron job to run once per day at the time you want invoices to be sent out and accounts suspended (eg. 9am)" then I have the command lines for the cron job. My options are to use php or GET.

can someone explain how to run a cron job? I have never done this.

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