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Product Specs, Addon Categories, More..

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I'm posting this because I have the following functionality/features working, but would like to gauge interest before I finish up and make everything 100% dynamic.


Addon Manager

This admin module allows you to categorize your product addons by type(eg. bandwidth, ram, control panel, etc.) at the moment I've also categorized by "location" and "product group".. Aside from "type" you may think this is a bit repetitive, but it'll all make sense in a moment :)


Product Specs

This allows you to set the default included specifications of your hosting/other product. For example, you could have fields to specify disk space, bandwidth, etc. Fields are custom so in addition you can add checkboxes/dropdowns to select many other options that can be used with..


Custom Page/Templates

With the custom page(s) within or even OUTSIDE of WHMCS all this information can by dynamically displayed on your site. What to display a few plans on your homepage? Just select "on homepage" for the desired product and it's there, but as a default it'll display on the corosponding product page of your choice(eg. shared hosting, dedicated, vps) Stock control will remove the product from your site if you choose.


Now the addons come to play :) They're all classified, so display them with your hosting plans under their specific group, etc.. Don't let me forget Configurable options: Have a configurable option for your offered operating systems and want to display them somewhere else on your site? No problem, the feature is already built in.



Order Form

Display any desired/classified addons on your configure product page with dropdowns(Just like configurable options).. This allows you to show the "default" amounts as the first option so while your customers are configuring their product they can compare things better to fit their needs. Simple math lets you show the total configured amounts. For example, I have a plan that comes standard with 10GB disk space and 2 addons for additional space(10GB more & 20GB more)


Disk Space

  • 10GB
  • 20GB + $5
  • 30GB -$10

In addition to making the order process more friendly, this allows you to add promotions to what look like configurable options.. Now you can add discounts to specific upgrades are are tied to them rather than a reduced price on the overall invoice :) Also, the view cart/checkout pages are modified to display the total amount of resources for the configured plan, and of course everything is dynamic and supports multiple currencies.


Promotions Page(s)

Allows you to have custom pages that display any desired products or addons with promotions, their promotion code, discount amount, total after discount, etc.. Orders placed from these pages already have the promo code set for the customer.



Why did I/Am I doing this?

Because I am a firm believer in automation and empowering people. It's a pain in the $%^ to edit multiple places throughout your site when you add a plan, change a price, etc.. Especially if you don't know how :) I'd personally rather just manage EVERYTHING from withing my WHMCS administration area. On top of that, the easier we make things for customers the more orders we get.. So with all these addons/modifications you can stop wasting time updating your site and focus on what you do best: Offering a quality product/service and supporting you customers.



Again, I'm gauging interest, so the more interest the sooner I'll contribute this :) A demonstration will be posted just before RC1.

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Outstanding thinking and very best wishes with these developments. A breath of fresh air, frankly! ;)


Thanks, no wishes needed as I've already developed everything :) The only thing I have left to do is add the addon classification type creation feature to the admin module, as at the moment I've got types(bandwidth, ram, storage, control panel, backup, monitoring) and locations(Dallas, LA, NY, Seattle) hard coded in.


One other thing I forgot to mention.. I'm also using free addons classified as "Features" that are used to display.. Well, features.. I'm using them for things like "100Mbps (Full duplex) Connection", "Virtuozzo IPM", "24/7 Support", etc..


Looks like I'll have WHMCS into a CMS shortly :)

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have bought a couple of your mods recently, and happy with the quality, but I wouldn't mind a few screenshots or access to a demo,to see if its going to be of value to me.


I'll get something up as soon as I can.. I'm currently redoing much of the CSS for this that I lost in the whole "Vaserv thing".

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  • 2 weeks later...

... This looks like something I was trying to do in my WHMCS. ;x


I'd love to use this if it simplifies everything for me AND my customers.


I'll wait on this eagerly and meanwhile bash my head against the wall while I try figuring out why WHMCS is doing what it is doing at the moment.

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... This looks like something I was trying to do in my WHMCS. ;x


I'd love to use this if it simplifies everything for me AND my customers.


I'll wait on this eagerly and meanwhile bash my head against the wall while I try figuring out why WHMCS is doing what it is doing at the moment.


I have this working on one of my client's sites, but I need a bit more work on the addon manager, etc. I should have a fully working version up on my site next week and from there I'll release a beta :)

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I'll have to get a test WHMCS, as I finally got the issue I was having with my WHMCS worked out. Now on to other restructurings...


Anyways, it's good to hear that you have it working on a client's site.


Keep up the excellent work!

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  • 1 month later...

I've tested this out with a few WHMCS installs and concluded that the best way to contribute this is by customizing it on a case by case basis. The reason is that I've found no suitable solution to implement everything in the templates dynamically.


So all who want this please contact me via email and let me know what your specific needs are and I will modify it all to fit your needs and send you the full source.


Because it is the full source and all orders will be customized to fit each of your needs the price may vary. The base amount will be $100 which included implementation with 1 product group & 5-10 addon categories. Additional product groups will be priced at $40-60 depending on your needs.'


I want to make it completely clear that once this is implemented to your specific needs that everything is completely dynamic, and since this is full source this can be modified at any time :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
Thanks for this it has help.


also the "Custom Page/Templates" is this just for showing your items on?

I ask this as I am using TonsOfStores (Tony's) "Page Manager Module) and I would need to use that still or is this like that?


It's used to display all your plans, addons, configurable options on custom pages.

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*Should this not be in the commercial section seeing as he is charging for it*


Also, WHMCS has a pretty similar mod that they developed them selves and costs only $69


Are you referring to the 'Configurable Hosting Package Addon' for 69.99? I do not see how this is the same. I could be wrong but this does not allow you to offer this on a per product setup. This is only for custom hosting where you select what you wish to have.


This pulls the config options from the DB and allows more options.

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*Should this not be in the commercial section seeing as he is charging for it*


Also, WHMCS has a pretty similar mod that they developed them selves and costs only $69


You're right, I'll see if I can get it moved.


The "Configurable Hosting Package Addon" seen here: http://www.whmcs.com/configurablepackageaddon.php does 2 things.. It let's you set upgrade amounts(configurable options) for cpanel accounts and will automatically provision the account with the amounts the customer selects.


While being a great addon for anyone who sells shared cpanel hosting, it cannot be used for VPS or dedicated servers, does not display your plans/upgrades dynamically throughout your site, and doesn't really have any relation to addons.


Although my addons can work with the "Configurable Hosting Package Addon", mine are more targeted to dedicated and VPS providers..

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