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[RESOLVED] Update Button confirms order instead of recalculating totals


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The 'Cart' order form template provides an 'Update' button beside a line of text that reads "Tax may be charged depending upon the state and country selections you make. Click to recalculate after making your choices." It's under the personal information section. The other order form templates (Default, Boxes, Single Page) don't provide this line of text or update button at all.


If the customer enters all the personal information correctly (name, email, password, address, etc.), and clicks 'Update', the form will submit just like clicking the 'Confirm Order' at the bottom. Therefore, the customer will not see an update of charges before they confirm. I've tested a few times and this indeed happens. However, if the customer enters anything incorrectly, or leaves a required field blank, and then clicks 'Update', the page will reload displaying the form entries they missed or entered incorrectly. If they did enter an applicable state/province or country for tax, the order summary at the top will then display the proper charges with tax. Most customers aren't just going to choose their province/state or country and then click Update to get their real total (although that works). Most people are going to enter everything and click Update only to find their order is confirmed.


So, why does the update button confirm the order if all entries are entered and why isn't this option available on the other order form templates other than the Cart version?

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By the looks it should only be a warning and once loggedin it recalculates the tax.

May be wise just to remove the button or comment it out like below. (located in templates/orderforms/cart/viewcart.tpl)

{if $taxenabled && !$loggedin}

<p align="center">{$LANG.carttaxupdateselections} <!-- <input type="submit" value="{$LANG.carttaxupdateselectionsupdate}" /> --></p>


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By the looks it should only be a warning and once loggedin it recalculates the tax.

May be wise just to remove the button or comment it out like below. (located in templates/orderforms/cart/viewcart.tpl)


I am aware that existing customers who log in will see the appropriate tax. I have no problem with them. I am concerned about new customers who sign up for an account as they're purchasing a hosting plan (they don't sign up first just for fun and then decide to buy later). These people come to the site, decide to get a hosting plan, and follow the steps to do so. You see, I am in Canada and we have a federal tax (GST). Any Canadian signing up is going to get tax applied.


The way it's currently set up is for the customer to choose their hosting plan and domain and then 'Checkout'. On the checkout page (the last page), they enter their personal details last (and after the order summary). The update button is the only way to update the order total with the details they entered. Unless the customer makes a mistake and clicks Update, the form will submit without the customer ever seeing the true price with tax. So they arrive at the PayPal page and it's asking for more than was just displayed in the order summary. All of the order templates have the same basic structure but the 'Cart' version is the only one offering the Update button so I am forced to use it.


It would be better if the user was forced to enter their personal details on a page BEFORE the final order summary and confirmation button because it's a logical initial step that the order totals depend on. If the customer is logged in, there's no need to show the personal details page/section. The true summary and confirmation should be the last thing the customer sees before transferring to the payment method (PayPal, credit card, etc.).


Simply, there shouldn't be an order summary provided until the system knows to charge tax or not, and that comes from the information the customer should have already entered if they're a new customer.


I can certainly comment out the update button in the 'Cart' order template but it doesn't address the fundamental problem for new customers who want to see their true total. Really, there shouldn't be an update button at all except for maybe the 'Single Page' order template. Adding your personal details should be one of the steps in the ordering process BEFORE the summary, and if you need to change something, you must go back to that step. Once you get to the final step it should be a true total and confirmation before paying.

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