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Yeah I am having the same issues as well, you are not alone mate.


I have opened a support ticket with WHMCS, in regards to our site we cannot afford to do a fresh install due to the heavy ammount of coding we have already done.


I replaced my whole /includes folder and it worked fine however completely destroyed our code.


Quite disappointed about this latest upgrade in regards to the documentation on it (how to upgrade properly and a list on which files you need to replace and what code etc) but I have plenty of faith it will be resolved. :-P





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My WHMCS is now functioning correctly thank to the help of the WHMCS team!


In your WHMCS root directory you have a lot of .php files, re uplaod them from the latest release and this should solve your issues.


If you have further problems then I suggest opening a ticket!






( :lol: Gotta have faith in the WHMCS team eh? 8):twisted: )

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Im also having all sorts of problems.


I have upgraded, and also had the "upgrade in progress" issue, which seems to have resolved itself, however, since the upgrade my cart is not displaying as it should, even though the custom products.tpl file we used and the relevant stylesheet just doesn't seem to be picked up at all.


These are the files contents, I don't suppose that anyone knows if any of the variables used have been changed?


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="templates/orderforms/cart/style.css" />


<p align="center" class="cartheading">{$LANG.cartbrowse}</p>


<div class="cartbox" align="center"><strong>

{foreach key=num item=productgroup from=$productgroups}

{if $gid eq $productgroup.gid}

{$productgroup.name} |


<a href="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}?gid={$productgroup.gid}">{$productgroup.name}</a> |



{if $loggedin}<a href="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}?gid=addons">{$LANG.cartproductaddons}</a> | {/if}

{if $registerdomainenabled}<a href="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}?a=add&domain=register">{$LANG.registerdomain}</a> |{/if}

{if $transferdomainenabled}<a href="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}?a=add&domain=transfer">{$LANG.transferdomain}</a> |{/if}

<a href="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}?a=view">{$LANG.viewcart}</a>



<br />


<div id="columnbox_main">

<div class="columnbox_list">

<div class="columnbox_row">

{assign var=cols value=3}

{foreach name=list key=num item=product from=$products}


<div class="columnbox_product">


<div class="columnbox_productholder">

<div class="columnbox_productinfo">

<center style="min-height: 30px;"><strong>{$product.name}</strong></center> {if $product.qty!=""}<em>({$product.qty} {$LANG.orderavailable})</em>{/if}<br />

{if $product.description}{$product.description}<br />{/if}


<div class="columnbox_productprice">

<div style="margin:5px;padding:2px;color:#6ba806;">

{if $product.paytype eq "free"}


{elseif $product.paytype eq "onetime"}

{$product.pricing.onetime} {$LANG.orderpaymenttermonetime}

{elseif $product.paytype eq "recurring"}

{if $product.pricing.monthly}{$product.pricing.monthly}<br />{/if}

{if $product.pricing.quarterly}{$product.pricing.quarterly}<br />{/if}

{if $product.pricing.semiannually}{$product.pricing.semiannually}<br />{/if}

{if $product.pricing.annually}{$product.pricing.annually}<br />{/if}

{if $product.pricing.biennially}{$product.pricing.biennially}<br />{/if}



<div align="center" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"><input type="button" value="{$LANG.ordernowbutton}"{if $product.qty eq "0"} disabled{/if} onclick="window.location='{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}?a=add&pid={$product.pid}'" />






{if not (($smarty.foreach.list.index +1) mod $cols)}

{if not $smarty.foreach.list.last}

</div><div class ="columnbox_row">



{if $smarty.foreach.list.last}

{* pad the cells not yet created *}

{math equation = "n - a % n" n=$cols a=$products|@count assign="cells"}

{if $cells ne $cols}

{section name=pad loop=$cells}

<div> </div>








<p align="right"><input type="button" value="{$LANG.viewcart}" onclick="window.location='cart.php?a=view'" /></p>

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  • 2 years later...
  • 2 years later...

I have same problem, why the heck didn't they test this. I am not able to do a new install either, this is really a problem, nothing but problems, AWBS was much better, sorry to say it guys but I am really disappoint it, It is same old story, focussing on new features [adding more bugs] and not getting the real thing working! Sounds neg. right i am, it cost so much time to fix problem after problem.

Edited by Wabun
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