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Ok I seem to be having a problem setting this up or something is going wrong. When I goto Active Users click on the user I want to change then click the Products/Services tab then click here to place new order then I select the product and continue then enter the login name and location and continue again but it just sits there with the little red thing spinnin around below the continue botton. Any ideas on what's wrong? Thx's for any help.

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#1 dont bother with the extra step of going to prod/services to add the order - from their summary page click "add new order" ;)


this is likely to be

session information missing/corrupt/outdated or similar

- did you tick "remember me" at login ?

- has your db partition run out of space ?

- has the temp partition run out of space, try deletig all the sess* files

- unload any browser "enhancements" you've installed or try a different browser

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Ok from the main page I clicked the orders tab and clicked on place new order and checked the correct client. Then I went through the process again and hit continue for the last time I still get the same thing. The little red circle just keeps spinning around below the continue.

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