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[NOT A BUG] Downloads Page

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A user who is not logged in and tries to download a file that requires login will be brought to a page that only displays the text:


Access Denied - You must be logged in to download this file


This should not bring the user to a blank page with the above text by itself. It essentially re-directs the user away from my web site (from the user's perspective).


The "Access Denied" message should be displayed within the WHMCS template so it does not look like the user has left the site. It also looks unprofessional.


I know it's a little thing, but still, I hope this one gets fixed in the next update :)



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  • 4 weeks later...

Not sure on the Non-Logged in issue. A similar issue occurs when a Client has Paid, and their invoice is marked paid, but the transaction is in Pending Status in the WHMCS Admin. Client will get a "Access Denied - You must first pay for this file before downloading" or something to that effect. Error is displayed in the same fashion the OP describes for the logged in Access Denied message. For this issue, it happens after clicking the hyperlink created by the {$download.link} which is in clientareaproductdetails.tpl. So not sure how to trap that one with your suggestion.

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  • 11 months later...

Hey there


you can change the .tpl to something like (not sure of actual variable name):


{if $service.status = "Active"}

{* Put Button Here *}


{* disabled button *}



Also, since version 4, WHMCS folks added an Auto-Release Module which can be used with your downloads. With credit card payments, this essentially eliminates this problem unless a C/C payment doesn't pass validation. In which case, the above work-around would disable the View Details button.

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