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Stop Automatic Domain Registration


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Is there a way to stop the automatic domain registration?


I want it to only prepare the request but not send it? I do not see a setting for this? I found the setting to stop domain renewals but not the registration on initial orders.


Thank you.

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  • 1 month later...

i figured this would be a pertinent continuation of this post.


From reading the documentation it seems clear that when i post payment to a domain it gets renewed. but this is a problem for me as some of my customers pay late so i renew their domain manually before payment arrives. The problem is when i post payment it renews it AGAIN. (argg)


obviously i still want an invoice created so turning of auto renew in the GENREAL SETTINGS... DOMAINS is not an option since that causes no invoice to be created ...... what do I do?

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thanks! that work around will do for now.


Simple answer doesn't really work if you want to keep your good clients happy. I do work with a lot of non profits and they tend to be a bit slow on payment although they always do pay. I wouldn't want their site to go down for something as petty as a cheque that is 1 week late.

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  ethical said:

they tend to be a bit slow on payment although they always do pay

Which is why you set the dates in WHMCS so it send the invoice and plenty of reminders *months* before it's due


And you'll find turning them off tends to wake up the slow payers quite well ...

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