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Improved Maxmind Interface


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I have finally finished the Maxmind module that I was discussing in the other thread, and have released it for testing on other servers. It includes a lot of improved features such as the ability to customise rejection messages, sends notification e-mails, and notates customer's accounts. This version also includes merge fields. The module can be found over at whmcsaddons.com, which is where I will begin to post all of my mods and add ons that I develop.


Please note that this mod is still in its early stages and that I have a lot of ideas for it, including the ability to write custom filters.


Below are some screen shots from the module:


As you can see, the Maxmind Interface is much more configurable:




When a customer's order is rejected, he or she now receives a customizable error message:




A note is then added to the client's admin profile:



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I have been working on the next version of this mod, which will include the TELEPHONE VERIFICATION service of Maxmind. That being said, the next release will still be Zend encoded, but I'll most likely ask for a small fee for the script so that I can purchase Ioncube for future enhancements and other mods.


While I'm at it, the html code that I used in the form to collect the verification code is pretty plain and boring. If anyone is good at html and would like to donate a nice® looking form, I'd be most grateful! 8)

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Having heard no complaints regarding the alpha version of this module, I have finished the beta version of the WHMCS Maxmind module which includes the following features (features not found in the default Maxmind module are listed in bold.)


    Reject orders from customers using free e-mail services, such as yahoo.com.

    Reject orders from customers claiming to be from one country while their IP address is registered to another.

    Reject orders from anonymous proxies.

    Reject orders from high risk countries.

    Reject orders when the Maxmind score exceeds a certain number.

    Utilize Maxmind's telephone verification system.

    Reject orders from customers who claim a cellular phone as their home number.

    Reject orders from customers who claim a pre-paid cellular phone as their home number.

    Reject orders from customers who claim a toll-free number as their home number.

    Reject orders from customers who utilize phone service through VOIP.

    Reject orders from customers who provide an invald telephone number.

    Customize errors that are displayed to customers when their order is rejected for potential fraud.

    Customize e-mails that are sent to customers when their order is rejected for potential fraud.

    Merge fields available in error and e-mail messages.

    E-mail sent to administration when an order is rejected.

    Customer's account is noted when an order is rejected.

The current fee for this module is $10/year, which assists me pay for the Maxmind fees that I use testing this module and will assist me purchase Ioncube so that the module is on the same encryption platform as WHMCS. The script is currently available from http://www.festivehosting.com/mods and a trial license is available.

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I am dieing for a pending feature instead of having the system reject the order all-together, so that's something I'll be working on as well.


These are some things that we're working on:

1) Right now the system still completes a telephone verification call even if the order will ultimately be rejected because the telephone type (cell, voip and so on) is restricted. This will be fixed prior to the official release.

2) The module will integrate with the internal messaging system in WHMCS. Thanks to Matt for offering his assistance with this.

3) E-mail templates will be removed from the config screen and will be moved to the internal WHMCS template queue.

4) Custom scoring is coming.

5) Encryption scheme will be ported to Ioncube for uniformity.

6) The config screen will be cleaned up a bit, but will retain the same functionality.

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I appreciate the compliments, especially since I've put in a lot of hours on this code. The one thing that does aggravate me is the sluggishness of Maxmind's API calls at times, which slows everything down.


I'd also like to mention that Matt has gone above and beyond in his offerings to help me with this, to the point of actually bringing ideas my way for it and offering to make internal code changes to help. My other billing company didn't offer to do that!

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Deffinetly going to buy this when its out as stable, would it be possible to set it up so only after a set fraud score they get called, not every order. So over 6 gets called, over 8 gets rejected ect.

That should be very possible and I will try to add it to the stable release.

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Just released the final beta in the series, with these changes:


    Full integration with WHMCS' e-mail template system.

    Outgoing e-mails now show in customer's e-mail tab in the admin panel

    Can set the mod to only phone verify customers in specific countries. Handy because it can cost nearly $2/call to some countries.

    The mod no longer attempts to phone verify a customer when their order will fail due to a telephone type restriction.

    Can now set the mod to only phone verify customers whose score is above a set thresh-hold, or can be set to 0 to verify everyone.

    BUG FIX: Outgoing e-mails were not being BCC'd. This has been fixed. To date, through all of the releases, this is the only bug that has been reported.


Things we're working on for the next version:

    Custom scoring

    Ability to set a score to flag a customer's account but still create the service, and a score to completely reject the order. (After thinking about how to do this for a long time, I now know how to do it.)

    Smarty template for the voice verification screen.

    Auto download of the key.php file. An API call exists for this, but it doesn't seem to be working. Working with the licensing company to get this working.

    Port encryption to Ioncube.


We've now moved the mod over to our newest website, http://www.whmcsmods.org.

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Version 1.0 of the module has been released and is now available on our website, http://www.whmcsmods.org. This version is now Ioncubed.


Anything that anyone would like to see in the next release? The next release features the ability to query the chargeback.org database (add-on module), the ability to modify the "please enter your authorization code" screen and customized scoring. I'm also working on adding the ability to only totally reject orders in certain circumstances, and to flag accounts in others.

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  • 2 weeks later...

WHMCSmods.org has released version 1.1 of our MaxMind Module for WHMCS. The module extends the default features found in WHMCS.


check.jpgAbility to display custom errors to your customers when their order is rejected due to potential fraud.


check.jpgAbility to send a custom e-mail to your customers when their order is rejected due to potential fraud.


check.jpgNotation made on customer's account when an order is rejected due to potential fraud.


check.jpgConduct automated telephone verification calls of potential customers.


check.jpgReject orders based on the type of telephone number that the customer is claiming as their primary contact number (cellular phone, prepaid cellular phone, voip phone, toll free number or restricted numbers, such as 1-900 numbers.)


check.jpgMerge fields available in both error messages displayed to the customer, as well as in out-going e-mails.


check.jpgIf selected, an e-mail is sent to the administrator when an order is rejected due to potential fraud.


check.jpgAbility to only phone verify customers who are from countries that you choose. Since it can cost nearly $2 to call certain countries, this can come in handy.


check.jpgAbility to only phone verify customers whose MaxMind score is greater than a preset number.


new.jpgSmarty template for the telephone verification system.


new.jpgCustom scoring is now available.


new.jpgChargebackprotection.org module now available.


No longer a long lag between the time that the order is placed, and the time that the customer receives a confirmation call. This bug has been fixed!


new.jpgAdditional checks made to international telephone numbers to ensure that they are in the proper format.


new.jpgInstaller now auto-fills most required information, and checks to ensure that files are in place and that their permissions are properly set.


new.jpgAnnouncement system now in place. This allows us to notify you individually, and as a group, of important announcements and new versions.

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WHMCSmods.org has released version 1.1 of our MaxMind Module for WHMCS. The module extends the default features found in WHMCS


Too bad the files are corrupted when you try to download (or upload) them, supposedly.


The file /path/to/public_html/modules/fraud/maxmind/functions/xml.class.php is corrupted. Encoded files are binary, so ensure that you use binary mode with FTP, and disable "TAR smart cr/lf conversion" if using WinZIP

Uploaded the whole setup as .zip

Uploaded the file individually as BINARY

Either way, the file is corrupted in the archive itself.

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I will look into this. This is the first report that I have had of a file corruption error.


WHMCSmods.org has released version 1.1 of our MaxMind Module for WHMCS. The module extends the default features found in WHMCS


Too bad the files are corrupted when you try to download (or upload) them, supposedly.


The file /path/to/public_html/modules/fraud/maxmind/functions/xml.class.php is corrupted. Encoded files are binary, so ensure that you use binary mode with FTP, and disable "TAR smart cr/lf conversion" if using WinZIP

Uploaded the whole setup as .zip

Uploaded the file individually as BINARY

Either way, the file is corrupted in the archive itself.

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Our provider was recently sold to another company, at which time the support, reliability and uptime of the servers took a nose dive. During the last outage the other day we decided that enough was enough and took our backups to another company. We're now in the midst of configuring the server. If the server appears down, it's most likely in the midst of a reboot and should be back up within a minute or two. This shouldn't persist beyond today (hopefully!)

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They key.php file is definately not available anywhere, and you mentiond that the key.php file would automatically rename the file to maxmind_key.php. I think your assuming to much, when you think I automatically allow write access by all php files. Same goes for the cache file, 644 would not work unless it was owned by apache.

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ok, i enabled write access on the maxmind folder, but i still get there error:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function sendmail() in /home/maxim/domains/secure.maximhosting.com/public_html/modules/fraud/maxmind/maxmind.php on line 1090


I also didnt get an automated email response from kayako when i submitted a ticket to you about the earlier issues.

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The sendmail function is located within the mail.php include. Somehow I forgot to add the require command in the maxmind.php file which caused the script to not be able to locate that function. I fixed that.


Regarding the chargeback_addon.php module... It is an add on and is not included by default. If you purchased the add on, then you have to download it from your client area and install it in your MaxMind directory. If the file is installed and your license allows it, then the mod will also perform chargebackprotection.org queries as well.


The installer attempts to determine file permissions of various files that it uses. If it locates a permission error, it alerts you and attempts to change the permissions automatically if it can. If it can't then you'd have to change the permissions manually.


And finally, the key.php file was a file that had to be manually uploaded to the MaxMind directory back when the script was in beta. If the key.php file still exists (if you were using an older beta) then the script would automatically rename it. Otherwise the script handles the downloading of key files automatically.

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your right, i was blind, not sure how i missed that before.


I noticed that none of the sample text is included for rejection emails, etc. Any reason for this and could we please have it? One, it helps to have examples, two, im just lazy and dont like writing them. =P

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