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Overage Billing?

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Does anyone have experience in setting this  up?  The above instructions seem a bit out of date.  I see none of the options described in this link in the latest version of WHMCS.

Can I get the necessary instructions to configure overage billing?

Does a package in WHM need to be created first?

I would like to bill monthly, for disc space, over the 20gb set limit, in the clients current package.


Thanks in advance!


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You should be able to setup overage billing when configuring a product/service in WHMCS by accessing the "Other" tab. You should see the fields for the preset values as well as the dropdowns for MB, GB, TB.

This will be invoiced based upon the Overage Billing settings in your Automation Settings.

If you're using WHM, as it sounds like you are, you might find the Usage Billing to be a preferable alternative to Overage Billing. Guide for Usage Billing: https://docs.whmcs.com/products/configuration-options/usage-billing/

Edited by RadWebHosting
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