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How does the Client Portal know what payment methods to offer


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If we have a gateway module configured (in this case a custom gateway), how does the client portal page (.../index.php?rp=/account/paymentmethods) know whether to show Add New Credit Card and Add New Bank Account?

Also, if you get to /index.php?rp=/account/paymentmethods/add how does it know how to distinguish what to show, such as a tokenGateway, localCreditCard, or bankAccount?

I am spinning my wheels trying to figure this out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If I am correct, the logic will look to see what gateways are enabled and reflect accordingly, but if the gateway module php is not properly coded to include a required function to hide the local cc option (e.g. function {gatewaymodule}_nolocalcc()), then it may show the 'local cc' Credit Card option. In our situation it appears we took a sample for a gateway module called remotebank, but did not modify the function properly to match our gateway module.

I am still testing this out in our lower environments.

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@RadWebHosting Although this may be relevant to define what payment methods are allowed for certain product groups, it does not impact 'customer' payment methods they may record, which is product group agnostic.

I believe the answer is what I stated in post from 3/10/2025.

When the add payment method page loads, it will look to see what gateways are enabled and reflect accordingly (based on gateway config and metadata); but if the gateway module is not properly coded with the required function to hide the local cc option (e.g. function {gatewaymodule}_nolocalcc()), then it may end up showing the 'local cc' Credit Card option. In our situation, we have a tokenized CC and Bank gateway module. When we coded our custom bank gateway module (e.g. Bank Account payment method), it appears we took a sample for a gateway module called 'remotebank', but did not modify the function properly to match label for our prescribed gateway module. Since it can not evaluate the remotebank_nolocalcc() function in respect to our deployed Bank gateway module, the 'local cc' Credit Card option shows up.

I will be testing changes to our gateway module to confirm (with correction) and will note results here. 

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