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Stripe payment_intent issue WHMCS ver.8.9

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So heres the thing. I have tried to narrow down the issue in order to get the best help I can get from you guys since Stripes Discord was telling me to reach out to WHMCS . So I am hoping someone here has some information or has been through this and may be able to guide me. 

I can confirm the following:

  • Payments work when you pre-create a profile and save the credit card information (so Stripe captures the card) before checking a product out. 
  • Payments work using Google Pay, and Link (was unable to confirm Apple Pay due to not having an iPhone readily available during these tests)

I can confirm the following does not work:

  • Payments do not go through when checking out and typing in the card information manually.  What does occur is an infinite loading loop rather than a payment confirmation and account creation. 

When checking stripe in multiple areas, this is what I was able to find:

  • Under the payment tab, I can see that the clients' email was captured and the invoice amount (and when you click on the incomplete payment you get the following log - PaymentIntent status: requires_payment_method)

Basically, it just doesn't read that credit card information was added to the field. 

  • When checking the developer log for failed events, this is what I get: (Some items were redacted such as ID information.)
  • GET /v1/account
    Status 403 ERR
    API version 2023-10-16
    Source Stripe/v1 PhpBindings/13.7.0 WHMCS/8 (https://www.whmcs.com)
    Looks like you forgot to include an API key in your request.
    You can find a list of your configured keys on the API keys page.
    Response body
      "error": {
        "code": "secret_key_required",
        "doc_url": "https://stripe.com/docs/error-codes/secret-key-required",
        "message": "This API call cannot be made with a publishable API key. Please use a secret API key. You can find a list of your API keys at https://dashboard.stripe.com/account/apikeys.",
        "request_log_url": "https://dashboard.stripe.com/logs/req_xxx",
        "type": "invalid_request_error"

    And under events, I get the  payment_intent.created and customer. created but that's it.  It seems to only be isolated to using credit cards for the first time or single-use purposes outside of capturing it via WHMCS customer portal, or one-time Apple Pay, Google Pay, or Link payments. (This is assuming Apple Pay also works given my findings thus far.)


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