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Due Date Change on Invoice Creation

Ruan Fourie

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Good Day All,

I have searched for over a week now and can't seem to figure out the following

I need to change the invoice due date for specific customers (Customers is part of a Group) upon invoice generation in order for our debit order processing to happen on specific dates.


Invoices is generated 1 day prior to due date (Due date is the 1st of every month currently as our billing works from 1st day to last day and not on signup dates). Thus, the invoice currently gets generated on the last day of each month with a due date of the 1st of the next month. (Generated 30 September and sent to customer with a due date of 1 October 2022)


I need to adjust the due date from 1 October to 8 October upon invoice generation for all customers that is part of customer group "Change Due Date". 

Any ideas or links I can go check out?


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  • 1 month later...

Hi Ruan,

We will be releasing an addon very soon with which you can set the due date number of days from invoice creation per client.

For example:

For client A, you set at 14 days, Any invoice for them will then be Invoice date = x and Due date is x+14.
For Client B, you set 8 days.  Any invoice for them will then be Invoice date = x and Due date is x+8.
Client C you don't set anything so the WHMCS defaults will be used.

Would that work for you?

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  • 1 year later...
On 12/15/2022 at 10:34 AM, Hein said:

Hi Ruan,

We will be releasing an addon very soon with which you can set the due date number of days from invoice creation per client.

For example:

For client A, you set at 14 days, Any invoice for them will then be Invoice date = x and Due date is x+14.
For Client B, you set 8 days.  Any invoice for them will then be Invoice date = x and Due date is x+8.
Client C you don't set anything so the WHMCS defaults will be used.

Would that work for you?

Is this available anywhere? if you can point me to where i can find this, it would be appreciated

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  • 11 months later...

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