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Special Bundle for your WHMCS website

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As a way to help you to improve your WHMCS website at a minimal cost, I released WHMUp Deluxe which is a bundle of 5 easy to use, but still powerful, WHMCS modules:

  1. WHMUp Homepage Builder
  2. KiS Cart
  3. KiS Announcements
  4. KiS Community
  5. WHMUp Legal Agreements & Cookies

The cost is under $10/mo available for Semi-Annually, Annually, and Triennially (Lifetime) Payments, as follow:

  • Semi-Annually - $50
  • Annually - $85
  • Triennially (Lifetime) - $170

If you want to order:


Clients who bought Legal Agreements or any other of the above modules and wish to upgrade, will pay only the price difference. Please contact to get instructions on how to do it.

Best Regards,


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If, after checking Homepage Builder, you see my site messed, then is a browse cache issue. I haven't updated my site to a Bootstrap 4 template, so is normal sometimes Homepage Builder, which is Bootstrap 4, to mess my design. Please Click Ctrl+F5 to clear your cache, or use this link to revert to normal template:


Thank you

Edited by WHMUp
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