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Composer to WHMCS


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Can some one tell me how to deploy module developed in Composer to the WHMCS development.


Recently we started doing some module development, but we have a question about how to actually deploy the module into production.


For example the code we developed is using Composer PHP, As you can see, it's a composer package but we're not sure exactly how to deploy the code to WHMCS.


Help to impost the package to WHMCS, it really a great module to and definitely benefit many people.



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I'm surprised you got no answers here from WHMCS supports staff, I'm not really a programmer but it seems they are using composer themselves already, certainly there is plenty of stuff in vendor/composer.


I came here searching for a more elegant way to achieve what I have done...


Yesterday I installed https://github.com/view-components/grids


I simply installed composer then did a composer require view-components/grids. This immediately trashed everything.


I then made copies of autoload_* in the composer directory.


Then I copied all the whmcs files back over my installation, I then went into the vendor/composer directory and merged all the autoload_ files by hand with the ones from after I had installed grids.


Everything then sprung into life and it seems to work perfectly.


I know there must be a more elegant way of doing this and would love some input from WHMCS support on this.

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  • WHMCS Developer

Using composer within your own module directory would not be an issue - in fact we do this with the Import Assist addon.


Do not attempt to add any new composer files in the WHMCS root as this will cause issues like DigitalDaz listed.


Easiest thing to do is to load the auto-loader in your addon module main file, then have all the functions in another file.


Example with an addon module called "sample":



 "autoload": {
   "files": ["lib/functions.php"],
   "psr-4": {
     "Sample\\": "lib/Sample/"



include_once(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'vendor' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'autoload.php');




if (!defined("WHMCS")) {    die("This file cannot be accessed directly");}





//other functions required for an addon module




namespace Sample;

class AClass
//a class here




In this way, you can use the use statements for WHMCS and your custom namespace within your addon module.


use Sample\AClass;


Hope this helps!

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