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AddOn Module Version

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I'm a bit confused with version numbers and how to update them. Maybe because I've in mind how vBulletin keeps updates.


Let's say that my initial file has the code:


//     ########################  MODULE CONFIGURATION  ########################
   function forum_config() 
       $configarray = array(
       "name" => "whmcsBB",
       "description" => "Community Bulletin Board",
       "version" => "1.0.0",
       "author" => "ChrisTERiS",
       "language" => "english",
       "fields" => array(
       return $configarray;
//     ##########################  ACTIVATE MODULE  ###########################
function forum_activate()
.......... here SQL to create tables...............
//     #########################  DEACTIVATE MODULE  ##########################
function forum_deactivate()
......... here SQL to drop any database changes...........


That's works fine for initial installation, so no problem. Now let's come to update to version 1.1.0. The code is:

function forum_upgrade($version) 
   global $db;

   # Run SQL Updates for V1.0.0 to V1.1.0
   if ($version == '1.0.0') 
       echo '1';
       // Settings
       mysqli_query($db,"ALTER TABLE mod_forum_settings ADD rating TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL");
       mysqli_query($db,"ALTER TABLE mod_forum_settings ADD social TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL");
       // Usergroups
       mysqli_query($db,"ALTER TABLE mod_forum_usergroups ADD forum_html TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL");
       // Update Version 
       mysqli_query($db,"UPDATE tbladdonmodules SET value='1.1.0' WHERE module='forum' AND setting='version'");

........ and in function forum_output($vars) I've added.......................

//     ###########################  MODULE OUTPUT  ############################
function forum_output($vars)
   // Version
   $version = $vars['version'];
   if($version <> '1.1.0')
      $upgrade = forum_upgrade($version);


That's also works fine. Have checked the database and new fields appear to be there. My Questions are:


1.- When I'm updating a module, do I need (like with vBulletin) to update version number in function forum_config() or let it to version 1.0.0 as it was the initial release?

2.- Even if in database I can see in table tbladdonmodules that the mod got the new version (eg module='forum', setting='version', value='1.1.0', in Setup-> AddOns I'm still seeing the old version (1.0.0)

3.- Placing an echo command within function forum_upgrade($version)

function forum_upgrade($version) 
   global $db;

   # Run SQL Updates for V1.0.0 to V1.1.0
   if ($version == '1.0.0') 
       echo '1';

I can see that it always goes there. Am I doing something wrong?


Thank you


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