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Regarding recurring payments with PayPal


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Hello all,


Hope someone can give me an answer.


I used to setup a recurring payment service using PayPal as a gateway.


I have decided to change the setup from recurring to one time payment with option to pay monthly, quarterly, semi annually and annually. In this way the customer at renewal time will pay manually and not automatically.


My question is: What happen to the already existing PayPal subscriptions? Will they keep going to be processed automatically?


Not very expert about PayPal that's why I am asking.


Many Thanks

Best Regards


Roberto Ciccolella

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Hi Sentq,


Thank you for the answer.


Regarding the existing subscriptions I just wanted to make sure that they are not altered at all and keep to be processed automatically and I think you gave me the right answer.


The problem I am having is that when NEW customers go to pay the invoice I am still seeing the "Subscribe" button which I don't want instead of the "Checkout" button, why this?



I think it works now! I have setup a test client and created a new order with a monthly payment and YES I can see the checkout button now instead of the subscribe one.

My further question is: Is that sure that One Time monthly, quarterly, semi annually and Annually payments are reprocessed at the end of the cycle so the customer will have to pay manually again to renew?


Just to show you what I did I made this screenshot:



Best Regards



Best Regards

Edited by ciaoweb
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My further question is: Is that sure that One Time monthly, quarterly, semi annually and Annually payments are reprocessed at the end of the cycle so the customer will have to pay manually again to renew?

yes, before the "Next Due Date" new invoice for the services for each client will be automatically generated and sent to your clients email..


- - - Updated - - -


"One Time" means that your client will pay once, and you need to specify the cost in the first price field "One Time/Monthly" if you need to activate the Monthly, Quarterly, and Annually periods you need to choose "Recurring" instead of "One Time"

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