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Errors in PDF Customisation


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Good Afternoon


This is my post on the WHMCS forum, I have been recommended to use this resource for assistance in relation to the customisation of PDF Invoices in WHMCS.


I have had the code in the PHP file invoicepdf.tpl edited by our developer to include an additional section of the bottom which includes:


- An adjusted position of the due date of the invoice

- Four table cells for specific information on paying the account

- Terms of the invoice


This however is not appearing upon generation, we believe it may be being cut-off by the system.


Please see a copy of the code here.


# Logo

if (file_exists(ROOTDIR.'/images/logo.png')) $pdf->Image(ROOTDIR.'/images/logo.png',20,25,75);
elseif (file_exists(ROOTDIR.'/images/logo.jpg')) $pdf->Image(ROOTDIR.'/images/logo.jpg',20,25,75);
else $pdf->Image(ROOTDIR.'/images/placeholder.png',20,25,75);

# Company Details
for ( $i = 1; $i <= ((count($companyaddress)>6) ? count($companyaddress) : 6); $i += 1) {

# Header Bar
$invoiceprefix = $_LANG["invoicenumber"];
** This code should be uncommented for EU companies using the sequential invoice numbering so that when unpaid it is shown as a proforma invoice **
if ($status!="Paid") {
$invoiceprefix = $_LANG["proformainvoicenumber"];
$pdf->Cell(0,6,$_LANG["invoicesdatecreated"].': '.$datecreated.'',0,1,'L','1');
/*$pdf->Cell(0,6,$_LANG["invoicesdatedue"].': '.$duedate.'',0,1,'L','1');*/

$startpage = $pdf->GetPage();

# Clients Details
$addressypos = $pdf->GetY();
if ($clientsdetails["companyname"]) {
$pdf->Cell(0,4,$_LANG["invoicesattn"].": ".$clientsdetails["firstname"]." ".$clientsdetails["lastname"],0,1,'L');
} else {
$pdf->Cell(0,4,$clientsdetails["firstname"]." ".$clientsdetails["lastname"],0,1,'L');
if ($clientsdetails["address2"]) {
$pdf->Cell(0,4,$clientsdetails["city"].", ".$clientsdetails["state"].", ".$clientsdetails["postcode"],0,1,'L');
if ($customfields) {
   foreach ($customfields AS $customfield) {
       $pdf->Cell(0,4,$customfield['fieldname'].': '.$customfield['value'],0,1,'L');

# Invoice Items
$tblhtml = '<table width="100%" bgcolor="#ccc" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="0">
   <tr height="30" bgcolor="#efefef" style="font-weight:bold;text-align:center;">
       <td width="80%">'.$_LANG['invoicesdescription'].'</td>
       <td width="20%">'.$_LANG['quotelinetotal'].'</td>
foreach ($invoiceitems AS $item) {
   $tblhtml .= '
   <tr bgcolor="#fff">
       <td align="left">'.nl2br($item['description']).'<br /></td>
       <td align="center">'.$item['amount'].'</td>
$tblhtml .= '
   <tr height="30" bgcolor="#efefef" style="font-weight:bold;">
       <td align="right">'.$_LANG['invoicessubtotal'].'</td>
       <td align="center">'.$subtotal.'</td>
if ($taxname) $tblhtml .= '
   <tr height="30" bgcolor="#efefef" style="font-weight:bold;">
       <td align="right">'.$taxrate.'% '.$taxname.'</td>
       <td align="center">'.$tax.'</td>
if ($taxname2) $tblhtml .= '
   <tr height="30" bgcolor="#efefef" style="font-weight:bold;">
       <td align="right">'.$taxrate2.'% '.$taxname2.'</td>
       <td align="center">'.$tax2.'</td>
$tblhtml .= '
   <tr height="30" bgcolor="#efefef" style="font-weight:bold;">
       <td align="right">'.$_LANG['invoicescredit'].'</td>
       <td align="center">'.$credit.'</td>
   <tr height="30" bgcolor="#efefef" style="font-weight:bold;">
       <td align="right">'.$_LANG['invoicestotal'].'</td>
       <td align="center">'.$total.'</td>

$pdf->writeHTML($tblhtml, true, false, false, false, '');


# Transactions



$tblhtml = '<table width="100%" bgcolor="#ccc" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="0">
   <tr height="30" bgcolor="#efefef" style="font-weight:bold;text-align:center;">
       <td width="25%">'.$_LANG['invoicestransdate'].'</td>
       <td width="25%">'.$_LANG['invoicestransgateway'].'</td>
       <td width="30%">'.$_LANG['invoicestransid'].'</td>
       <td width="20%">'.$_LANG['invoicestransamount'].'</td>

if (!count($transactions)) {
   $tblhtml .= '
   <tr bgcolor="#fff">
       <td colspan="4" align="center">'.$_LANG['invoicestransnonefound'].'</td>
} else {
   foreach ($transactions AS $trans) {
       $tblhtml .= '
       <tr bgcolor="#fff">
           <td align="center">'.$trans['date'].'</td>
           <td align="center">'.$trans['gateway'].'</td>
           <td align="center">'.$trans['transid'].'</td>
           <td align="center">'.$trans['amount'].'</td>
$tblhtml .= '
   <tr height="30" bgcolor="#efefef" style="font-weight:bold;">
       <td colspan="3" align="right">'.$_LANG['invoicesbalance'].'</td>
       <td align="center">'.$balance.'</td>

$pdf->writeHTML($tblhtml, true, false, false, false, '');

# Notes
if ($notes) {
$pdf->MultiCell(170,5,$_LANG["invoicesnotes"].": $notes");

# Footer Blocks


$blockhtml = '<table width="100%" bgcolor="#efefef" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="0">
		<tr height="30"  bgcolor="#efefef">
           	<td colspan="2">
               	<h3>Invoice Due Date: '.$duedate.'</h3>
				<p>Late charges may apply for payments received after this date in accordance with your service agreement.</p>
$blockhtml .= '<tr height="30"  bgcolor="#efefef">
           	<td colspan="2">
               	<h3>How to Pay:</h3>

$blockhtml .= '<tr height="30"  bgcolor="#efefef">
           	<td width="50%">
               	<p><strong>Electronic Funds Transfer</strong></p>
				<p>Contact your Financial Institution to make a payment through phone, internet banking or at your local bank branch to our account.</p>
                   <p><strong>Account:</strong> Holder Name<br /><strong>Number:</strong> 123 456 789 777<br  /><strong>BSB:</strong> 123 456<br  /><strong>Ref:</strong> Inv-'.$invoicenum.'</p>
               <td width="50%">
               	<p><strong>PayPal</strong> – Online Payments</p>
                   <p>Pay using VISA/MasterCard or your bank account</p>
                   <p>To pay using PayPal please login to your account at:<br /><a href="https://www.locationofbilling.com/" target="_blank">https://www.locationofbilling/</a>  where you will find the electronic invoice awaiting payment.</p>
                   <p>No PayPal account is required to make a payment to us online.</p>

$blockhtml .= '<tr height="30"  bgcolor="#efefef">
           	<td width="50%">
               	<p><strong>Telephone Credit Card Payments</strong></p>
                   <p>Please phone <a href="tel:XXXXXXX">XX XXXX XXXX</a> to pay using your VISA or MasterCard.</p>
                   <p>Payments are processed on the spot and you will receive a receipt via email.</p>
               <td width="50%">
               	<p><strong>Automated Credit Card Payments</strong></p>
                   <p>By providing us with a pre-authority to debit your card. We can automatically bill your card when invoices fall due without the hassle of manual payments.</p>
                   <p>Please call us to obtain a form which you will need to complete for automated payments.</p>

$pdf->writeHTML($blockhtml, true, false, true, false, '');

# Generation Date
$pdf->Cell(180,4,$_LANG['invoicepdfgenerated'].' '.getTodaysDate(),'','','C');

# Payment Status
$endpage = $pdf->GetPage();
if ($status=="Cancelled") {
$statustext = $_LANG["invoicescancelled"];
} elseif ($status=="Unpaid") {
$statustext = $_LANG["invoicesunpaid"];
} elseif ($status=="Paid") {
$statustext = $_LANG["invoicespaid"];
} elseif ($status=="Refunded") {
$statustext = $_LANG["invoicesrefunded"];
} elseif ($status=="Collections") {
$statustext = $_LANG["invoicescollections"];



The last section is not generating and we're not sure why, any assistance would be well received.


Thank you.

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