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Licensing Addon: Parsing addons returned by the integration code


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Hi all,


I am using the licensing addon and need a little help, because I'm losing my mind trying to wrap my head around this.


$results['addons'] returns something like this:

name=Branding Removal;nextduedate=0000-00-00;status=Active|name=Another Addon;nextduedate=0000-00-00;status=Active


I'm trying to figure out how to convert this into a usable string. For example, if "Branding Removal" is in the addons and the status of the addon is "Active", $brandingremoval would return true, but otherwise false.


I found another thread on this at http://forum.whmcs.com/showthread.php?31986-Parsing-WHMCS-Licensing-Product-Addons-in-PHP - but the code provided there doesn't work. Any ideas?

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Got a reply from Andrew, figured I'd share in case anyone else gets stuck. The code provided worked.


The addons are returned in the format "name=Addon Name;nextduedate=Next Due Date;status=Status|


So, from this, you can see that each addon data is separated by a |. You can explode this | to obtain each addon separately in the list.

Once you have done this, you can explode on ; to get separate variables with the separate options and then finally on the = symbol. This will then give you the addon name, next due date and status.


Something like:


$addonarray = array();

$addonslist = explode('|',$results['addons']);

foreach ($addonslist as $addons){

$addondata = explode(';',$addons);

$addonname = $addonnextduedate = $addonstatus = "";

foreach ($addondata as $addon){

$addonnvp = explode('=',$addon);

if($addonnvp[0] == 'name') $addonname = $addonnvp[1];

if($addonnvp[0] == 'nextduedate') $addonnextduedate = $addonnvp[1];

if($addonnvp[0] == 'status') $addonstatus = $addonnvp[1];


$addonarray[$addonname] = array("nextduedate"=>$addonnextduedate,"status"=>$addonstatus);



The code above assumes that each addon has a different name and is just a sample. You should create and check your own code to obtain the list in the format that you require.

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