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LocigBoxes modules fail with ccTLDs -- HOW-TO fix attr-value1 ?


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Hello All:


Was trying to post the question to the forum "Tips, Tricks & Howto's"--but posting there seems disabled now.


I noticed that the default modules coming with WHMCS for some domain resellers like Resell.biz or NetEarthOne are not working with some of the ccTLDs that require additional domain fields (that is additional information such a national ID, birth date, etc.). If such TLDs are defined in the file /includes/additionaldomainfields.php, then it works. But only a few are (by default) ... and those mentioned resellers do not provide their own additionaldomainfields.php. All those modules are based on LogicBoxes, and WHMCS then refers to the Resellerclub module as base module (at least that is my understanding).


When I try to register a Russian .ru domain, first of all there are no fields for national ID and birth date showing in the order form, but further I am getting this ERROR:

Domain Registration Failed - Domain ID: XXXX - Domain: XXXXX.ru - Error: Required parameter missing: attr-value1

And I believe the reason for the "attr-value1" error is based on this--I quote:

"EU, .NZ, .RU and .UK domain names do not have an Administrative Contact associated with them. You need to pass the value of admin-contact-id as -1 for these domain names."



Does anyone know how to create an entry for "additionaldomainfields.php" that would do this ... "pass the value of admin-contact-id as -1" ??


I like to add this:

here is a SAMPLE code -- this is for .uk domains, the entry as it comes in the WHMCS-supplied "additionaldomainfields.php". According to above info what applies to .ru also applies to .uk (as regards to passing on the value of admin-contact-id as -1) .... but looking at the code I do not understand where this would be done. Maybe you understand/see it?



$additionaldomainfields[".co.uk"][] = array("Name" => "Legal Type", "LangVar" => "uktldlegaltype", "Type" => "dropdown", "Options" => "Individual,UK Limited Company,UK Public Limited Company,UK Partnership,UK Limited Liability Partnership,Sole Trader,UK Registered Charity,UK Entity (other),Foreign Organization,Other foreign organizations", "Default" => "Individual",);

$additionaldomainfields[".co.uk"][] = array("Name" => "Company ID Number", "LangVar" => "uktldcompanyid", "Type" => "text", "Size" => "30", "Default" => "", "Required" => false,);

$additionaldomainfields[".co.uk"][] = array("Name" => "Registrant Name", "LangVar" => "uktldregname", "Type" => "text", "Size" => "30", "Default" => "", "Required" => true,);

$additionaldomainfields[".net.uk"] = $additionaldomainfields[".co.uk"];

$additionaldomainfields[".org.uk"] = $additionaldomainfields[".co.uk"];

$additionaldomainfields[".me.uk"] = $additionaldomainfields[".co.uk"];

$additionaldomainfields[".plc.uk"] = $additionaldomainfields[".co.uk"];

$additionaldomainfields[".ltd.uk"] = $additionaldomainfields[".co.uk"];

$additionaldomainfields[".co.uk"][] = array("Name" => "WHOIS Opt-out", "LangVar" => "uktldwhoisoptout", "Type" => "tickbox",);






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To get this work with the built in logicboxes registrar module from whmcs, 3 conditions must be meet:


1) The registrar module must create a ruContact. A default contact is not valid.

2) As you correctly mentioned, no admin contact should be created but passing -1

3) The additionaldomainfields.php file need to be extended for .ru domains.


Point 1 and 2 must be tested. I dont know if WHMCS has this implemented. For point 3, here the code for the additionaldomainfields.php file. I have not tested it. Further, the code is only for individuals (not companies).


1. Open /includes/additionaldomainfields.php

2. Add the following code:


// .RU
$additionaldomainfields[".ru"][] = array("Name" => "Passport Information", "LangVar" => "rutldpassport", "Description" => "Document number, Issued by, Issued Date of the Passport", "Type" => "text", "Size" => "20", "Default" => "", "Required" => true,);
$additionaldomainfields[".ru"][] = array("Name" => "Birth Date", "LangVar" => "rutldbirthdate", "Description" => "This needs to be entered as a numeric value in DD.MM.YYYY format", "Type" => "text", "Size" => "20", "Default" => "", "Required" => true,);
$additionaldomainfields[".com.ru"] = $additionaldomainfields[".ru"];
$additionaldomainfields[".net.ru"] = $additionaldomainfields[".ru"];
$additionaldomainfields[".org.ru"] = $additionaldomainfields[".ru"];


3. Save the file and upload it back into /includes/





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Thanks Marco, for taking the time to post your reply.


This (and similar) entries won't work with the present WHMCS module because -- as I/we found out now by working with the helpful tech support at NetEarthOne -- because the WHMCS module sends "N/A" as company field for individual registrations to the registry, while the registry expects this to be "N A".


I'll update this thread later the coming week.




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It is now clear that the WHMCS module for all the LogicBoxes resellers does not work for .ru and .рф ccTLDs. That was confirmed by LogicBoxes tech support. They say that the command has to be (for "Individual" registrstions where no company is given) as "N A" and not "N/A" or anything else, and the modules that WHMCS does is instead putting this forward as "N/A".


Anyone can think of a work-around of scripting this into the "additionaldomainfields.php" entry?? -- see the posts above!




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I honestly think that LogicBoxes/Resellerclub API providers should accept N/A for ALL tlds because this is the accepted string for the company field (for individuals) in all other contact types. It was always N/A.


For tld x, y, and z they want "N/A",

For tld a, b, and c they want now "N A".


And tomorrow for tld d, e, and f? May be "N | A"?


It is really not feasible to develop a module valid for ALL tlds if LB/RC makes such differences between various tld's. This should be one unique value for all tlds and if necessary, converting at their end to what ever they want if really needed.

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Yes. What you say is right on!


What makes the situaton worse is that the modules that come with WHMCS are encoded. I tried for hours to get around this by playing with the .ru within the "additionaldomainfields.php" entry, but it seems the module overwrites whatever I have there, for this specific "company" field. I can get

[contact.company] => N A

but at the same time I still see this also:

[company] => N/A

If anyone has an idea (if I am wrong about the "hardcoded into the module" part), please kindly post.





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Well, with the additionaldomainfields.php file you cannot do much more than pass attr-name and attr-value params for contact extra details.


You may have a look at the following hook




This is the only way I can see to hook into the process. However, I never tested it. Anyway... I will try to figure out some other solutions and let you know.




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Did some testing with another, old module ... as I have a suspicion that it is not even the Resellerclub module that sends the "N/A" -- and the outcome is that there must be some other WHMCS function/script setting this to "N/A" .... no matter what the module tries to sends; if the company field is empty in the contact form, then it seems "N/A" gets always being send on, no matter what.


Also looked at that "PreDomainRegister" function -- seems (to me at least, and my scripting knowledge is very limited) that this cannot be used unless one creates an entirely new registry module. Maybe I am wrong?


Most sense would still make, as Marco pointed out, if LogicBoxes providers would accept the "N/A" entry. Don't see why not. Everything else will be 'messy.'




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I had some conversations with RC. The issue will be seriously reviewed. I'm sure that the "N A" issue will be fixed on their end accepting "N/A" as a valid string for the company field.


As soon I have confirmation I let you know




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