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2 factor login: Time Based Tokens + Google Authenticator


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I enabled the 2 factor login for admins and I am using the TBD (Time Based Tokens) using Google Authenticator on my iPhone.


I have a few questions regarding this:

1) If I forget my mobile at home, or if it ran out of battery, how can I login into WHMCS?

2) Can I assign more than one device to the TBD for each user? Example: I would like to have Google Authenticator on iPhone and iPad to work with the same user.

3) If I lose my mobile, how can I create a new TBD on a new Google Authenticator in a new device?


Many thanks

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Thanks for the explanations.


For options 1 and 3: What if I lose the backup key or don't have it with me anymore?

For 2: How can I associate multiple devices to the TBD devices?


Thank you

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  • 7 months later...

If you have access to your database, you can find the admin ID that you would like to reset their 2factor codes for and run something like this..



UPDATE tbladmins SET authmodule=' ', authdata=' ' WHERE id='the Admin ID you wish to remove stored auth tokens for / reset auth tokens for';


Ex: UPDATE tbladmins SET authmodule=' ', authdata=' ' WHERE id='5';


This will prompt you to set up Google Authenticator for that user / you when you log in next ( assuming you require all admins to use 2 factor )


- - - Updated - - -


We created a module to do this for us. If anyone would like to look at it, let me know.

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