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Autocreate account fails to run on payment received and Next Due Date nochange


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Where do I start..


Support at WHMCS needs to improve.. I've posted several times to a ticket and each time the tech gives me the same routine as if they never read the current or prior post to the ticket.


First off everything worked with 4.?


We moved severs and upgraded to 5.1.2 even though it says 5.1.3 under updates.


I've removed any customized or otherwise addons.


I've even replaced every file by downloading the zip file and manually uploading the files.


and we still have the following problems which I will walk through...


an order is placed

the order is paid via paypal (same issues even when product is FREE bypassing paypal)

the invoice is marked as paid

the autocreate module fails to run

the next due date remains the current date (this opens another issue listed after this one below)

Welcome Email is sent

since site was not created we now accept the order which runs module create (which failed to run earlier)

site is created but next due date remains the current date


since the current due date is never updated the following day the new paid service is supended even though we have The number of days to allow for payment of an order before being overdue set to 5.


As far as I can tell everything is set correctly.


We have Automatically setup the product as soon as the first payment is received selected for the product.


Best I can tell some process is being skipped and this process is what sets the new due date which I'm guessing triggers running the module create.


I've used WHMCS for quite long time and before now loved it but what the heck...


Can anyone help?



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Is there a copy of WHMCS that is not encrypted so I could track down the error myself?


I'm sure support is dealing with many issues but we really can't wait 4 hours between posting help (support ticket) and getting the next response which is by another tech that starts the process over again.

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First let me say what a great job Chris did. He literally saved my business.


Now let me recap what he found..


An image file was missing from the images folder.

TCPDF ERROR: [image] Unable to get image: /home/oursite/public_html/whmcs/images/logo.png


I guess the Invoice PDF creator doesn't have a failsafe check on the existence of the image and stopped the invoice process when it could not find the image.


Be careful not to forget custom files,etc.. when moving and or upgrading. We had moved servers and during this we had upgraded versions of WHMCS so we did not move the old files and the image was left out.

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