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Google Checkout Callback Issues


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Hello, I downloaded the 5.1.3 patch for the Google Checkout module.

But Google keeps sending me this message:


We've made several unsuccessful attempts to send order notifications to your notification callback URL, <my callback URL> As a result, you aren't receiving order status, risk or other notifications.


Now I have setup the correct URL in my Google Checkout merchant account.

So I'm not entirely sure what the issue is here or why it is happening? Advice?

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The issue here is usually caused when the server it is being run on is running PHP as CGI (fastcgi or suphp). The basic problem is that when scripts are running with PHP in CGI mode, PHP doesn't automatically populate the HTTP Authorization variables and those are required for the way Google's callback authentication system works. So one solution here really is to change the mode PHP is running with on your server. I've had a quick look on Google and there are some potential workarounds if that doesn't work, but they all involve some code editing and don't look to be full-proof as some users report success while others don't so I'm not sure they are a truly viable solution. So if you can change the PHP Mode that would be my recommendation.


Another alternative would be adding the below to your .htaccess file:


RewriteEngine On

RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization},L]

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