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Closed Ticket Chart - Pagination only for this group and not the rest


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Hi everyone.


I am currently working on something where the submitticketlist.tpl shows a seperate table for the "closed tickets" which I have working.... however .... the pagenation and the records limit continue to work for the entire page - even the pulled out closed ticket page. Does anyone know how I would force the pagenation and records limit to "ONLY" work for the closed table ?


Here is the closed table portion with the pagenation included even though it works for entire page.


<div class="table_title">

<h3>Closed Tickets</h3>



<table class="zebra-striped">



<th><a href="supporttickets.php?orderby=date">{$LANG.supportticketsdate}</a></th>

<th><a href="supporttickets.php?orderby=dept">{$LANG.supportticketsdepartment}</a></th>

<th><a href="supporttickets.php?orderby=subject">{$LANG.supportticketssubject}</a></th>

<th><a href="supporttickets.php?orderby=status">{$LANG.supportticketsstatus}</a></th>

<th class="headerSortdesc"><a href="supporttickets.php?orderby=lastreply">{$LANG.supportticketsticketlastupdated}</a></th>

<th> </th>




{foreach from=$tickets item=ticket}

<tr>{if $ticket.status eq '<span style="color:#888888">Closed</span>'}



<td><img src="images/article.png" alt="Ticket" /> <a href="viewticket.php?tid={$ticket.tid}&c={$ticket.c}">{if $ticket.unread}<strong>{/if}#{$ticket.tid} - {$ticket.subject}{if $ticket.unread}</strong>{/if}</a></td>



<td class="textcenter"><form method="get" action="viewticket.php"><input type="hidden" name="tid" value="{$ticket.tid}" /><input type="hidden" name="c" value="{$ticket.c}" /><input type="submit" value="{$LANG.supportticketsviewticket}" class="infoButton info" /></form></td>

{/if} </tr>



<td colspan="6" class="textcenter">There are currently no closed support tickets</td>






<div class="recordslimit">

<form method="post" action="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}" />

<select name="itemlimit" onchange="submit()">


<option value="10"{if $itemlimit==10} selected{/if}>10</option>

<option value="25"{if $itemlimit==25} selected{/if}>25</option>

<option value="50"{if $itemlimit==50} selected{/if}>50</option>

<option value="100"{if $itemlimit==100} selected{/if}>100</option>

<option value="all"{if $itemlimit==99999999} selected{/if}>{$LANG.clientareaunlimited}</option>





<div class="pagination">

<div class="pageCount">

{$LANG.page} {$pagenumber} {$LANG.pageof} {$totalpages}




<li class="prev{if !$prevpage} disabled{/if}"><a href="{if $prevpage}supporttickets.php?page={$prevpage}{else}javascript:return false;{/if}">← {$LANG.previouspage}</a></li>


<li class="next{if !$nextpage} disabled{/if}"><a href="{if $nextpage}supporttickets.php?page={$nextpage}{else}javascript:return false;{/if}">{$LANG.nextpage} →</a></li>



Edited by jerett
forgot some code
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Basically looking for a quick way to make the pagenation and recordslimit work only for this table and not the rest of the tables on the page. I also noticed that the table filters work for all tables too instead of table specific. Really need help.

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If i'm understanding correctly you cannot do this because pagination and sorting is done in the backend so the $tickets array is filled and sorted with the data for that page. If you wanted a seperate list of tickets for page and sorting you would probably have to do this query on your own using the {php}{/php} tags in smarty.


also, i beleive $tickets has a rawstatus key, if so you wouldnt have to match against that messy html.


{if $ticket.rawstatus eq "Closed"}{/if}


also {debug} is your friend!

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