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Dont worry Matt, You've got our Support!!!


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Hey Matt,


dont worry mate, all will be fine, you have a great product and we love it. in fact the whole hosting world loves it and no hacker is going to change that.


Keep up the good work, we're behind you.



Bill from Australia

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Count me in Matt.

Please ignore all the bad things that people are talking about and concentrate only on securing the servers and products.


Give all these bad people a BIG Slap by offering more powerful WHMCS and better security.


Keep up the good work, we're behind you.

With our with you buddy :)


Wish you the best of luck Matt.. if there is anything I can help you with, do let me know.




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Matt next time use a professional hosting company and don't be so cheap on quality. You are asking top Dollar for WHMCS and you make a lot of money from us, why be so cheap on quality hosting?


This wouldn't have happened if you had a quality hosting provider! I am seriously rethinking about continue to use WHMCS. Maybe I am going to switch over to alternative.


I understand there will always be safety and security issues, however seeing as how simple this could have been avoided (by using a quality or at least decent hosting provider), I am really re-thinking the use of WHMCS on the long run... You received 'tons' of money from me and my company, so I always thought and expected that this money was put to good use. As in good, secure and reliable hosting.


Now I am really getting the impression that you and WHMCS are only in it for the money. Sorry, but I cannot see it differently at the moment. If a 20 year old can achieve this, what will happen next time?


I am really sorry, but I lost my trust in Matt and in WHMCS.

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Matt next time use a professional hosting company and don't be so cheap on quality. You are asking top Dollar for WHMCS and you make a lot of money from us, why be so cheap on quality hosting?


This wouldn't have happened if you had a quality hosting provider! I am seriously rethinking about continue to use WHMCS. Maybe I am going to switch over to alternative.


I understand there will always be safety and security issues, however seeing as how simple this could have been avoided (by using a quality or at least decent hosting provider), I am really re-thinking the use of WHMCS on the long run... You received 'tons' of money from me and my company, so I always thought and expected that this money was put to good use. As in good, secure and reliable hosting.


Now I am really getting the impression that you and WHMCS are only in it for the money. Sorry, but I cannot see it differently at the moment. If a 20 year old can achieve this, what will happen next time?


I am really sorry, but I lost my trust in Matt and in WHMCS.


Goodbye then,


HostGator maybe cheap but they are way bigger then anyone moaning about leaving.

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Goodbye then,


HostGator maybe cheap but they are way bigger then anyone moaning about leaving.


They are just as cheap as your ugly looking website. And by the way FDC Servers are also cheap and crappy. But you two make an excellent match.

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Any software can have issues, the point being, it was not software to blame.


Even new billing systems, just because nothings happened to them (yet) does not mean they are foolproof.


At least with WHMCS, proven track record with getting any issues nailed and sorted.

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They are just as cheap as your ugly looking website. And by the way FDC Servers are also cheap and crappy. But you two make an excellent match.


Lol who says what a website needs to look like - Just because you think it looks ugly it doesn't mean the rest of the world does. As long as a website performs and does what its intended task is then there is no issue with it.


Id love to see your design if you think its any better.

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These things happen, no matter what you do. There are always people who want to hack you, take you down, spam you ... and much more. Thing is to learn from it, get up and make it better and move on for brighter future. If you don't fall down, how will you learn how to get up?

You got my support Matt.



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Matt next time use a professional hosting company and don't be so cheap on quality. You are asking top Dollar for WHMCS and you make a lot of money from us, why be so cheap on quality hosting?


This wouldn't have happened if you had a quality hosting provider! I am seriously rethinking about continue to use WHMCS. Maybe I am going to switch over to alternative.


I understand there will always be safety and security issues, however seeing as how simple this could have been avoided (by using a quality or at least decent hosting provider), I am really re-thinking the use of WHMCS on the long run... You received 'tons' of money from me and my company, so I always thought and expected that this money was put to good use. As in good, secure and reliable hosting.


Now I am really getting the impression that you and WHMCS are only in it for the money. Sorry, but I cannot see it differently at the moment. If a 20 year old can achieve this, what will happen next time?


I am really sorry, but I lost my trust in Matt and in WHMCS.


Oh for Pete's sake grow up. Take a good look at the internet world and realize that the world is not perfect, the internet is not perfect, humans are not perfect.

Matt and the people at WHMCS are doing a great job in my book. You want to leave THEN LEAVE.


Your remarks about the hosting and someone's web design is very childish/snobish especially since you don't let people see your site.

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The fact remains that HostGator has a poor reputation as a webhost, and we all got to find out just exactly why this is the case, with this happening.


As far as I'm concerned however, he's moving to another provider, hopefully it will be better, and he'll have some decent infrastructure. We're moving forward. Which is good - we have to. The only mature competitor is WHMAutopilot and I prefer WHMCS. Let's make sure you don't make those of us sticking with WHMCS regret it, Matt.

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So what is the new provider that WHMCS is moving to?


It's not exactly something that you can hide, so why haven't we been told? At least the datacenter that it will be hosted in - still the U.S? etc.

Personally I don't think it's got anything to do with us. As you said it's easy enough to find out where someone hosts but giving detailed information about the hosting platform and what security is in place would be frankly stupid.

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Personally I don't think it's got anything to do with us. As you said it's easy enough to find out where someone hosts but giving detailed information about the hosting platform and what security is in place would be frankly stupid.


Who said anything about detailed information?

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Correct me if I'm wrong but you were demanding to know why you/we haven't been informed about the new hosting infrastructure? If I was in Matts shoes (and I'm glad I'm not) I wouldn't give a thing away.


A huge lesson has been learned by the whmcs team last week and I have no doubt that they will be moving to infrastructure that is 1,000% more secure than hostgator (not hard) but I wouldn't be posting the who and the what on a public forum...


In fact I would be saying absolutely nothing aside from it is new and vastly superior in security to the old setup.

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wow, drama queen's in full force.


demanding? no. detailed information? no.


I just asked what datacenter it would be in, and any more details i wouldn't have complained about either - mainly out of pure interest, but seeing as though it's my personal information being stored, i could justify it if i was indeed being rightfully paranoid and demanding.


Should I have ended the sentence in a smiley face to stop you from getting so defensive?


Besides, if it was a serious demand, don't you think I'd just send a support request directly to whmcs instead of posting on the forum?


relax buddy - this is a community forum, not a court room

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Wait, what? Openmind, do you have something against everythingweb? That was uncalled for and inflammatory.


This debacle has in many places shattered faith in WHMCS, and I hope Matt realises that. A gesture of good faith would go a long ways to reclaim that which has been lost in that regard. Can we demand it? Sure we can: we can vote with our dollars. A lot of people already have migrated.


Some of us have chosen not to, but that choice can be revisited if we don't feel Matt has truly improved his infrastructure. To me he's going to have to prove he has if he wants me to, considering I had a lot of money fraudulently placed on my credit card as a result of the breakin and I am still in the resolution process for that.


I'm not so hot-headed as to immediately jump ship, but unless accomodations are made to increase security and demonstrate security has been increased WHMCS is going to be a hard sell to me. After the second time this has happened, I am no longer going to take Matt's word for it, nor should I have in the first place. "Trust, but verify."

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I don't have anything against anyone but I don't react well to flaming.


Yep I agree trust in whmcs has taken a kicking and will take some time to regain (if at all) but I stick to my point that the less information given out on an infrastructures security the better...

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I don't have anything against anyone but I don't react well to flaming.


Yep I agree trust in whmcs has taken a kicking and will take some time to regain (if at all) but I stick to my point that the less information given out on an infrastructures security the better...


Though i respect what you think is the right thing to do, they could tell us the top rack switches barcodes end in FCX it's not going to help a hacker, it's not going to create a security breach. Social engineering or not, this could have been prevented.


Are people really this brainwashed?


I'm not saying hate on WHMCS at all, but your personal, private and financial information was publicly released. I've seen some posts saying "it's not WHMCS fault, it's only the hackers".


Judging by the numbers in that database released, WHMCS could have afforded top notch security, a better data center then HostGator and invested some of the business earnings back into the business.


The question asked that you were getting emotional about can be answered by preforming a dig or ping the site, grab the ip and visit arin to do a full whois on the ip. It's not even close to a secret and it does not create any security threat with an honest question from a fragile returning community after what happened.


It's as pathetic as me saying to my insurance company "Poor [COMPANY NAME]" should the same thing happen. We would equally be upset if it were our bank, insurance company or cable company. WHMCS is no different and stop feeling sorry for Matt. Let him do the work that needs to get done. Lesson learned. (again)


Start concerning yourselves over the security of your own WHMCS. Do you accept Credit Cards? If so rethink it if you use WHMCS in it's current state.


I'm kind of shellshocked and how many people are weeping for WHMCS when it was you the customer who were exposed.


Unfortunate part of business is dealing with hackers. It's just another day at the office.

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There was nothing wrong with their hosting. They were compromised not by a hacking attempt, but by a third party impersonating a Matt, or another WHMCS staff member, and got the hosting company to provide sensitive information that lead to this incident. This is clearly the fault of the hosting provider.


My only concern is that they have redundant licence servers in place, so a failure of communication to one, won't hinder providers ability to use WHMCS.

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