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No Card Stored for this Client in Vault


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I have used whmcs with quantum gateway before but recently I was putting some clients in manually and the card will not charge stating "No Card Stored for this Client in Vault" in the log. I have entered a credit card on the client's profile. I have other clients that have been successfully billed. The only things I can think of is I changed my quantum password (I don't think that matters since it goes off a key) and I did notice in the log file the successful transactions have "Quantum Vault" in the gateway while my unsuccessful ones have "Visa/MasterCard/Discover/Amex) Quantum Vault" as the gateway but I only see that gateway in my client profile. Thanks

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Check to make sure that you are not storing the cards in your local database rather than on the gateway. I know this is not your intent but it could be happening without you knowing...


WHMCS does not call the _storeremote function for the gateway as you would expect to create or update a token on the gateway unless there is at least one invoice for that customer and the invoice is assigned to use that gateway specifically.


If the customer credit card information was entered into the account before any invoices were created for the client account this is likely what is happening.


I've developed a gateway module for the InternetSecure gateway that essentially does the same thing as what your Quantum gateway module does and this was an issue I encountered during development. Personally I think this is a flaw in WHMCS but support tells me it's not. In my opinion it should be something that is forceable meaning that you should be able to specifically tell WHMCS not to store cards locally and force use of a certain gateway... Maybe the next release :)

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