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cart.php?a=add&pid=2 page blank on update own name servers


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I have a ticket opened for this but am keen to try and hurry things a little.


System works fine until a client tries to update their own name servers and the next screen is returned blank.


new domain or transfer domain is fine, it is only blank on update own name servers. It happened once before and i had to re-install... I don't want to go to this effort again :(

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from - http://www.gforceinternet.co.uk/hosting/cart.php?a=add&pid=1


choose, I will update my own name servers, after you click to continue it returns a blank screen.


I thought it was a custom theme I was using so have set it back to a standard theme.


Not sure if this is linked... I followed the instructions to secure WHMCS - http://docs.whmcs.com/Further_Security_Steps


I have removed this to see if it sorts it but it hasn't helped. Debug reporting is currently enabled as it is a fresh install which isn't going fully live until April and it returns no errors?

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Oh sorry, somehow I was looking at someone elses site unless you just changed your sig, which btw you have co.uk.co.uk right now.. and a canonical error www & naked, one or the other =)



... That is a weird issue.


edit: is templates_c writable?.. and I see above you said it was try 755 not 777

Edited by tripler
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in the config file...


I'll drop the DB, do a fresh install and try to import the old DB again a bit at a time and see if I can narrow it down


//yes, just updated the signature will sort the edit it again just now :)

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FIRSTLY - I had the extra code in <?php ?> tags, and it should have been inside the main block of PHP


SECONDLY - the instructions here = http://docs.whmcs.com/Further_Security_Steps wrap the code in " where I could only get it to work with '


Support were quick to answer considering the time difference so the G Force world has been saved


thanks again

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