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Upgrade/Downgrade product and Bank transfer


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Hi all,


I'm trying to allow my customer use automatically upgrade and downgrade her product in client area.

I've the button for cancellation request but not for upgrade or downgrade product.

How do I allow this?



About bank transfer.

Would you advise me to give my bank directly, or through an intermediary (eg moneybookers)?

Are there any risks if I give my credit card information via the module proposed by WHMCS? Are there any modules of the same type but more "secure" or sending information by mail?



Thanks for answer !




Best regards,



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  ougogo said:
About bank transfer.

Would you advise me to give my bank directly, or through an intermediary (eg moneybookers)?

Are there any risks if I give my credit card information via the module proposed by WHMCS? Are there any modules of the same type but more "secure" or sending information by mail?

Bank tranfer requires you to provide the customer with Sort Code and Account number of your business bank account (make sure your business account allows this)

Provide instructions to the customers

I would also suggest including an instruction to use the invoice number as the reference


There is a small risk that someone will attempt a funds withdrawal from your account, but this should be sent to you by postal method if received by your bank

In 12 years I have had eight such requests and no further issues


The other payment gateways are separate and you simply complete the details required, usually email address, login, API cod, etc

There should be no need to insert your own credit card details into WHMCS


PayPal works best once you have verified your account


I stopped using Moneybookers several years ago, and now would not touch them as they have become Skrill


I've been using WHMCS for just over a year and never had any payment issues

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