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Clients Intermittenly not being logged in - Help


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Some clients are having problems logging in to the clientarea. If the user goes to the clientarea.php and trys to log in with the right username and password the page just refreshes and the login form clears. No error no nothing.


This happens intermittenly to people across different browsers. Safari Mac seems to have a problem, firefox 8.0.1 Windows has had a problem, and IE 8 has had the problem. But even across browsers its inconsistent to believe its a browser problem.


I use a custom template, and i have tried going back to the default template from whmcs and it still happened.


Like i said it happens sometimes to different people. But its happening to many times that i need to fix it.


Any ideas?

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Sparky - The other post.. i didnt think it went through because it never showed up... plus it was more of a job post to see if anyone was interested in a pay fix. Sorry about that.


Sparky you said in the other post that i should have 777 persmissions on where the sessions get created.


if i check my phpinfo page it says session.save_path = /var/lib/php/session


Is this the directory you are saying that should have 777 persmission on it?


CKH - I dont think that should be the problem, i have my htaccess force www on all pages so when people go to the clientarea.php it switches to www regardless. And in my WHMCS settings i have www in the WHMCS Path and HTTPS path. So do you think my setup should avoid that problem?

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CKH - I dont think that should be the problem, i have my htaccess force www on all pages so when people go to the clientarea.php it switches to www regardless. And in my WHMCS settings i have www in the WHMCS Path and HTTPS path. So do you think my setup should avoid that problem?


To check it, try going to the login page without using the www and see if it is in the URL or not. Then after trying to log in, see if it suddenly appeared. If what you say is correct, you shouldn't be able to get to the login page without it appearning in the URL so it shouldn't be a an issue as you say.

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Sparky here is the permissions before i changed them:


drwxrwxrwx 2 root apache 233472 Jan 15 08:33 session


Here are the permissions after i changed them:


drwxrwxrwt 2 root apache 233472 Jan 15 08:36 session


i try to login with an account on Safari on Mac.. and the samething happens... it quickly goes to dologin.php then right back to clientarea.php clears the form and no error.


The weird thing is if i go to my whmcs admin dashboard... it shows in the "recent Client activity" me logging in.


After i try to login as a client on safari on my clientarea.php page... even though it doesnt throw an error i try to manually go to /clientarea.php?action=details but it wont let me it just goes to the clientarea.php login form.

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Okay the client i asked to try and login still has the issue... i just tried in safari for Mac and i can confirm that the issue is still their... if i try and login with Firefox on Mac it works just fine.


Sparky, Can we text-chat over Skype? i can provide you with a link and username and password for you to take a look. My Skype name is: ijpweb im on right now.

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Ive attached my php session settings. Anything look out of whack? that would prevent some users from being able to login?


Its like the dologin.php file has issues or my session settings are messed. It happened prior to 5.0 and i updated to 5.0 this past week and its still happening.. doesnt matter what template i use for my client area.


Im at a lost for words and it appears that no one knows how to fix it... even WHMCS.com Support doesnt know.

Screen Shot 2012-01-16 at 3.52.55 PM.jpg

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