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Cron Job Half Working


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I'm having a major issue with my Cron Job, it's only executing half the tasks it is meant to. This has been happening since I moved web servers.


These are the tasks the Activity Log shows (reverse order):


Cron Job: Generating Invoices

Cron Job: Updating Product Pricing for Current Exchange Rates

Cron Job: Updating Currency Exchange Rates

Cron Job: Starting


It creates all the invoices correctly and then does nothing else. Last week it would suspend clients as well but now that seems to have stopped as well.


I also don't get the Cron Job email and anything else. Here's the major things that it's not doing: Close tickets after 48 hours, Terminate products/services, Update affiliate balances, Send monthly affiliate email and Send the Cron Job admin email.


It used to do everything before I moved web server, now it seems to crash after generating invoices. This has been happening with WHMCS 5 and the previous versions. I haven't changed anything to do with the Cron Job since it was working.


All help is greatly appreciated, thank you.

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It's going to be one of:

php memory limitations

php configuration version/module differences

mysql configuration

a script-killer (like LFD/SIM etc)


If you still have access to your original box DIFF your php.ini and my.cnf to the new box, and compare the php/apache build parameters

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My host doesn't allow the memory_limit to be higher than 128M. I'm pretty certain after looking into it more that this is the issue. Is there anything else I can do without moving hosts?


Could I not run the cron job on a seperate web server?

Edited by Jonnerz
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