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DirectI: Cannot Register Domain


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Is the resellerclub module provided with 4.4 downwards compatible with 4.1.x ?


So overwritting the file would be sufficient.


Or else provide the opensource php version of the module of 4.1.x so that we can fix it our selves.

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Is the resellerclub module provided with 4.4 downwards compatible with 4.1.x ?


So overwritting the file would be sufficient.


Or else provide the opensource php version of the module of 4.1.x so that we can fix it our selves.


Just got the confirmation.


Modules in the latest WHMCS release will work with Version 4.0 or later of WHMCS.


So just download latest version copy the resellerclub module and overwrite (or backup it first) the current resellerclub module of your current installation.


Add your IP to API page in Resellerclub and it should work fine.

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"If you want your customers to be given a login to the SuperSite interface then you should choose the ResellerClub module, if you do not, choose DirectI."


How can we continue registering under a specific customer ID and not give a SuperSite login to our customers?

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Yes that's correct, to switch any directi domains over to the resellerclub module simply use the SQL query below run via a tool such as phpMyAdmin:


UPDATE tbldomains SET registrar='resellerclub' WHERE registrar='directi'


Then configure the ResellerClub module in Setup > Domain Registrars and update any automatic registration settings if enabled in Setup > Domain Pricing.




It's the very first sentence: "N.B. The DirectI module has been depreciated and is no longer updated. As a result it may not be possible to order certain TLDs such as .eu. We recommend switching to the ResellerClub module. "


The main problem here as I see it is why did LogicBoxes say they would turn off the old urls on the 10th March, at which time we put out posts and publicity in various places advising users what they would need to be running to avoid problems, but then didn't turn the urls off. And then on an unnannounced date they suddenly turn them off on 7th April without warning, meaning there's no guidance readily available for people. Very poor handling from them IMO, that's now wasting a lot of people's time.


And to update the domain to registrar mapping for automatic registrations:


UPDATE tbldomainpricing SET autoreg='resellerclub' WHERE autoreg='directi'

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Directi/Resellerclub did it Again


Yesterday i found WHMCS was again able to connect to directi API and domain were manageable.

today its again not working and even better Now, you cannot register new domain using Resellerclub API


An Error Occurred

HTTP Error: cURL ERROR: 7: couldn't connect to host

url: https:// soapapi. com: 443/anacreon/servlet/APIv3


http_code: 0

header_size: 0

request_size: 0

filetime: -1


Certainly DIrecti/RC is working hard to make your customers switch to a different API and provider.

Edited by ghpk
added space in URL to remove hyperlink
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"If you want your customers to be given a login to the SuperSite interface then you should choose the ResellerClub module, if you do not, choose DirectI."


How can we continue registering under a specific customer ID and not give a SuperSite login to our customers?


I am interested in the same question.. I have a lot of domain names under one customer and I want to continue this way.. The way to create a customer for each domain name is not working for me. Please advise!

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Matt, I am also affected by this. A long time ago I stopped using the Direct module but still had a couple hundred domains tied to it. Changing Directi to Resellerclub in the database isn't sufficient. It doesn't give the customer their own account or tie the domain to the user, it is still tied to the original customer that had to be created to work with Directi.


I propose you either make the old Directi module open source so those of us that are forced to still use it can modify it to work, or you release a script to create a new customer in resellerclub for each WHMCS customer that has a directi domain, move the domain to the new customer and update WHMCS with the details.


If you have no intention of doing either, I will do the later and release it in the contributions thread when I get around to it.

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How can we continue registering under a specific customer ID and not give a SuperSite login to our customers?


You don't have to tell your customers about ResellerClub's panel or the supersite. The login will exist but they won't know and don't need to use it.


Matt, I am also affected by this. A long time ago I stopped using the Direct module but still had a couple hundred domains tied to it. Changing Directi to Resellerclub in the database isn't sufficient. It doesn't give the customer their own account or tie the domain to the user, it is still tied to the original customer that had to be created to work with Directi.


So what? That's not a problem. The existing domains can be managed by the ResellerClub module from under the single client on RC's system. Don't make more work for yourself.



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So what? That's not a problem. The existing domains can be managed by the ResellerClub module from under the single client on RC's system. Don't make more work for yourself.




Thanks for the tip. I'm glad the RC module covers the Directi domains.

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