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I was wondering if someone could tell me how to add things (templates, zips files, forms, etc...) to my WHMCS download link.


That way, when new clients join, they will be able to click on this link (located on right hand side), and download any pertinent documents they may need, and that I offer on my initial hosting site.


Thanks in advance.

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Okay, found the way to do it, just clicking around in WHMCS, but now I have another question:


Server Max File Upload Size: 2M - To increase this limit you need to modify your servers php.ini file


Can someone tell me how to go about increasing the size? I mean a step by step would be ideal!

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You need to modify your servers php.ini file, or override the setting using .htaccess. The exact instructions for the latter are going to vary depending on server configurations. But heres a few ways that would be applicable for a server running CentOS with cPanel.


Option 1) (Global Change) Edit /usr/local/lib/php.ini and locate the line that reads "upload_max_filesize"

upload_max_filesize = 20M


Option 2) (PHP as a DSO) Edit your sites .htaccess file (/home/username/public_html/.htaccess) and add the following line:

php_value upload_max_filesize 20M


Option 3) (PHP w/ SuPHP) Copy /usr/local/lib/php.ini to /home/username, edit copied file same as option 1. Add the following lines to /home/username/public_html/.htaccess

suPHP_ConfigPath /home/username

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well, i successfully edited my php.ini file, and went through the process of adding a couple of zip files to the download area, but for some reason, they're not showing up in the client section of WHMCS.


Only an icon of the file is there, and not the actual 10mb zip file itself. Back to the drawing board :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Really, there are 2-3 directives that should be set: "memory_limit" (if enabled), "post_max_size", and "upload_max_filesize"; "max_file_uploads" doesn't really matter with WHMCS as there's only one file uploaded at a time via the form anyhow.


"memory_limit" (PHP_INI_ALL - default 128M) should be larger than "post_max_size" (PHP_INI_PERDIR - default: 8M) and "post_max_size" must be larger than "upload_max_filesize" (PHP_INI_PERDIR - default: 2M). If you want to enable rather large uploads, you may need to set "max_execution_time" (PHP_INI_ALL - default: 30) as well.

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Not sure if this is a documented work around or not, but for some reason, I manually uploaded the zip files to my downloads directory, and then went into WHMCS to add the file, and now they are showing up in the WHMCS client area as available, clickable downloads.


Go figure.


Really, there are 2-3 directives that should be set: "memory_limit" (if enabled), "post_max_size", and "upload_max_filesize"; "max_file_uploads" doesn't really matter with WHMCS as there's only one file uploaded at a time via the form anyhow.


"memory_limit" (PHP_INI_ALL - default 128M) should be larger than "post_max_size" (PHP_INI_PERDIR - default: 8M) and "post_max_size" must be larger than "upload_max_filesize" (PHP_INI_PERDIR - default: 2M). If you want to enable rather large uploads, you may need to set "max_execution_time" (PHP_INI_ALL - default: 30) as well.

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Not sure if this is a documented work around or not, but for some reason, I manually uploaded the zip files to my downloads directory, and then went into WHMCS to add the file, and now they are showing up in the WHMCS client area as available, clickable downloads.


Go figure.

That's not a workaround for the PHP upload. FTP uploads are an intended feature. You can upload a file as large as you want via FTP and add it using the appropriate option.


That's why there are two options when adding a file "Manual FTP Upload to Downloads Folder" and "Upload File". With that said, the directives I gave in my last post will permit uploads of files larger than 2MB via PHP. Even then, there are limitations; namely, I wouldn't attempt uploading a 4GB file via PHP and would use FTP for it.

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That's not a workaround for the PHP upload. FTP uploads are an intended feature. You can upload a file as large as you want via FTP and add it using the appropriate option.


That's why there are two options when adding a file "Manual FTP Upload to Downloads Folder" and "Upload File". With that said, the directives I gave in my last post will permit uploads of files larger than 2MB via PHP. Even then, there are limitations; namely, I wouldn't attempt uploading a 4GB file via PHP and would use FTP for it.


I really appreciate all your help Jamroar

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