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Well i noticed a few weeks ago that i was not getting my backups via email, even tho I have in the past and it is set properly.


I have been getting bogus signups...and today..I see that someone actually accessed my admin area, changed the admin email.... and out the Sorry, We are Currently Performing Maintenance!

page up... but not just on the main support page...but also the admin panel page...which means I cannot even login to the admin area, because its not there..


can anyone give me any ideas around this one? Can i turn this off in phpmyadmin? I was able to change the emails for the admin back to mine through phpmyadmin...

but Im stuck...and i have about 60 accounts..and concerned




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Well, the first thing you need to be concerned about is how did you get the account hacked?


Don't get me wrong even when you fix it now it could be a trojan they just can grab the new password and if you login to your hosting you could lose your whole hosting. best is to re-install your computer first before you take action, takes around 1 hour max or go on a computer which your sure it's safe.


also, let's say you can get it out of maintance it's possible the payment address is changed to the hackers.




To disable maintance you can do it in "tblconfigurations" search "MaintenanceMode" and make it empty.

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  laurens_dragicevic said:
Well, the first thing you need to be concerned about is how did you get the account hacked?


Don't get me wrong even when you fix it now it could be a trojan they just can grab the new password and if you login to your hosting you could lose your whole hosting. best is to re-install your computer first before you take action, takes around 1 hour max or go on a computer which your sure it's safe.


also, let's say you can get it out of maintance it's possible the payment address is changed to the hackers.




To disable maintance you can do it in "tblconfigurations" search "MaintenanceMode" and make it empty.




Thanks for the reply.


I have checked the payment address and it is still set to mine. It seems as if this clown is focusing on specific accounts. I see his ip has logged into specific domains , not all, but a few that have a common theme to them.


I will try to take it out of maintenace...and see if i can get some control over this...


thank you

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  laurens_dragicevic said:
Well, the first thing you need to be concerned about is how did you get the account hacked?


Don't get me wrong even when you fix it now it could be a trojan they just can grab the new password and if you login to your hosting you could lose your whole hosting. best is to re-install your computer first before you take action, takes around 1 hour max or go on a computer which your sure it's safe.


also, let's say you can get it out of maintance it's possible the payment address is changed to the hackers.




To disable maintance you can do it in "tblconfigurations" search "MaintenanceMode" and make it empty.






What do you mean make it empty?

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