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  • 2 months later...


Thanks for the reply, however it is on and im using jwhmcs ans it does not show up.




Thanks Mark

Mark, not sure exactly which version of JWHMCS you are using but I checked your link and there is no recaptcha. There is an option in JWHMCS under the registration tab to enable recaptcha.net and lately we've been installing and setting this up manually with global public recaptcha keys. This would be good only for the Integrated registration which creates the user in both joomla and WHMCS simultaneously.


Alternatively, if you use WHMCS, you should be able to enable recaptcha there for registration and it too will show up correctly as WHMCS is simply integrated into the Joomla framework so WHMCS is still separate and still in it's own folder on your server.


The Newest release of JWHMCS - 2.1.2RC10 is recommended with WHMCS 4.3.1 and Joomla 1.5.20.

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