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Reset invoice number


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I'm nearlly finished with testing the system and want to go live.


Is there a way to reset the invoicenumber back to "1"?


(I already deleted all test-invoices from the db - but the system still counts further...


thnx in advance



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I have not tested it (as we are on a live system!!) but


Setup -> General Settings -> Invoices


The bottom shows a box where you may enter a starting invoice number. Perhaps you could try that and see if it works.


I guess you could hack the database, but you need to be aware that the invoice number ties together a number of data fields, so if you change one, you need to change the rest in the other tables to keep the integrity of the database. Its probably not a good idea unless you know what you are doing!


The tables.fields you should alter (if you are confident) to the same are:







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