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[RESOLVED] Create and Terminate Request PHP file to be downloaded

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I am running: WHMCS 4.2.1 using Cpanel module



When creating the accounts manually from orders.php or clientshosting.php (maybe others) it requests for me to download the said php file.


The same goes for Terminate on clientshosting.php



Also when ordering after clicking complete order I get the following error: Interent Explorer cannot disply the page.


The only happens when I have setup account as soons as order comes in. The account does get created, but the user doesn't get a page back, which I think is bad



It seems to me, it is all related to create account.

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I have found the problem.

It was how PHP was being handled by the server, it was set to fcgi in WHM

But have now changed it to cgi and it seems to be working :)


I would run SuPHP but I need to symlink to files outside of the account directory.

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